7th Grade World History Timeline

By aa2615
  • 1517 BCE

    Luther began the Protestant Reformation with the publication of his Ninety-Five Theses

    Luther began the Protestant Reformation with the publication of his Ninety-Five Theses
  • 931 BCE

    King Solomon Dies

    King Solomon Dies
  • 750 BCE

    750 B.C.E. Founded Rome.

    750 B.C.E.  Founded Rome.
  • 715 BCE

    Assrainians Invade Israel

    Assrainians Invade Israel
  • 597 BCE

    Babyona invades Juda

    Babyona invades Juda
  • 539 BCE

    Persians Conquered Babylonian

    Persians Conquered Babylonian
  • 493 BCE

    493 B.C.E. Roman leaders signed a treaty.

    493 B.C.E. Roman leaders signed a treaty.
  • 390 BCE

    390 B.C.E. roman almost fell to the Gaul's.

    390 B.C.E.  roman almost fell to the Gaul's.
  • 218 BCE

    218 B.C.E. 2 Punic War.

    218 B.C.E. 2 Punic War.
  • 202 BCE

    202 B.C.E. battle of Zama.

    202 B.C.E. battle of Zama.
  • 146 BCE

    146 B.C.E. burned cartheng to the ground.

    146 B.C.E. burned cartheng to the ground.
  • 145 BCE

    145 B.C.E. roman conquests had brought wealth to the city of rome.

    145 B.C.E. roman conquests had brought wealth to the city of rome.
  • 90 BCE

    In 90 B.C.E. some rebelled and to the revolt Rome agreed to let all free Italians become a roman citizens.

    In 90 B.C.E. some rebelled and to the revolt Rome agreed to let all free Italians become a roman citizens.
  • 80 BCE

    In 80 B.C.E. a roman leader named Sulla commanded an army to put down a revolt by Italian allies to obtain roman citizens.

    In 80 B.C.E. a roman leader named Sulla commanded an army to put down a revolt by Italian allies to obtain roman citizens.
  • 73 BCE

    In 73 B.C.E. An enslaved man named Spartacus led a famous revolt.

    In 73 B.C.E. An enslaved man named Spartacus led a famous revolt.
  • 72 BCE

    72 B.C.E. Roman vs. Spartacus.

    72 B.C.E. Roman vs. Spartacus.
  • 63 BCE

    Romans Take Over

    Romans Take Over
  • 63 BCE

    63 B.C.E. Judea came under Roman rule.

    63 B.C.E. Judea came under Roman rule.
  • 49 BCE

    In 49 B.C.E. Pompey was back in Rome, white Caesar commanded an army to the north of Italy, across the Rubicon River.

    In 49 B.C.E. Pompey was back in Rome, white Caesar commanded an army to the north of Italy, across the Rubicon River.
  • 49 BCE

    In January, 49 B.C.E. the senate forbade Caesar to enter Italy w/ an army. - Caesar then disobeyed and crossed the Rubicon river w/ his army.

    In January, 49 B.C.E. the senate forbade Caesar to enter Italy w/ an army. - Caesar then disobeyed and crossed the Rubicon river w/ his army.
  • 44 BCE

    44 B.C.E. Caesar stabbed 23x!!!

    44 B.C.E. Caesar stabbed 23x!!!
  • 37 BCE

    37 B.C.E. Rome was appointed a man named Herod.

    37 B.C.E. Rome was appointed a man named Herod.
  • 31 BCE

    31 B.C.E. Oblivion defeated Anthony.

    31 B.C.E. Oblivion defeated Anthony.
  • 22 BCE

    King Kerod Made Huge Temple

    King Kerod Made Huge Temple
  • 6 BCE

    6 B.C.E. Jesus birth occurred by study.

    6 B.C.E.  Jesus birth occurred by study.
  • 4 BCE

    4 B.C.E. kingdom split into 3 kinddoms.

    4 B.C.E. kingdom split into 3 kinddoms.
  • 30

    Jesus died

    Jesus died
  • 60

    60 C.E. christans were begging to attract the notice of the romans.

    60 C.E. christans were begging to attract the notice of the romans.
  • 66

    Jews Rebelled The Romans

    Jews Rebelled The Romans
  • 66

    Rabbi Yohanen Ben Zacai Smuggled Himself Out In A Coffin

    Rabbi Yohanen Ben Zacai Smuggled Himself Out In A Coffin
  • 70

    King Titus And Solders Destroyed Temple

    King Titus And Solders Destroyed Temple
  • 135

    Romans Forced Jews To Flee

    Romans Forced Jews To Flee
  • 300

    300 C.E. Million of Christians reside in the roman lands of Europe.

    300 C.E. Million of Christians reside in the roman lands of Europe.
  • 312

    321 C.E Constantin saw a cross in the sky

    321 C.E Constantin saw a cross in the sky
  • 313

    313 C.E. Constantine announced the Edict of Milan

    313 C.E. Constantine announced the Edict of Milan
  • 380

    380 C.E Christianity was official

    380 C.E Christianity was official
  • 476

    476 c.e. fall of Rome

    476 c.e. fall of Rome
  • Period: 476 to 1400

    Middle Ages 476 A-D 1400 A-D

  • Period: 476 to 1000

    Low Middle Ages 476 A-D 1000 A-D

  • 570

    Muhammed born in 570 C.E in Mecca.

    Muhammed born in 570 C.E in Mecca.
  • 610

    In 610 C.E he goes to the "mountain of light".

    In 610 C.E he goes to the "mountain of light".
    Where he gets squeezed by M and goes on the night journey.
  • 613

    613 C.E. M began to preach to others Meccans.

    613 C.E. M began to preach to others Meccans.
  • 619

    619 C.E. The Night Journey

  • 622

    In 622 C.E. M left Mecca w/ his followers on a hijarah journey.

    In 622 C.E. M left Mecca w/ his followers on a hijarah journey.
  • 624

    624 C.E. Muslims fight with Meccans.

    624 C.E. Muslims fight with Meccans.
  • 632

    632 C.E. Last pilgrimage.

    632 C.E. Last pilgrimage.
  • 634

    634 C.E. Abu baker died.

    634 C.E. Abu baker died.
  • 644

    Umar died 644 C.E.

    Umar died 644 C.E.
  • 656

    Uthman got killed in 656 C.E.

    Uthman got killed in 656 C.E.
  • 661

    Ali died in 661 C.E.

    Ali died in 661 C.E.
  • 661

    In 661 C.E. Umayyad moved their dynasty to Damascus.

    In 661 C.E. Umayyad moved their dynasty to Damascus.
  • 732

    In 732 C.E. battle of the tours.

    In 732 C.E. battle of the tours.
  • 800

    800 C.E. Pope Leo 111 Crowned Charlemagne - Christmas Day

    800 C.E. Pope Leo 111 Crowned Charlemagne - Christmas Day
  • Period: 1000 to 1242

    High Middle Ages 1000 A-D 1250 A-D

  • 1054

    the separation of the Catholic church of the West from the Orthodox churches of the East.

    the separation of the Catholic church of the West from the Orthodox churches of the East.
  • 1064

    1064 C.E. Edward The Confessor Sent A Letter To William

    1064 C.E. Edward The Confessor Sent A Letter To William
  • 1066

    1066 C.E. Battle Of Hastings - Oct, 14.

    1066 C.E. Battle Of Hastings -  Oct, 14.
  • Period: Oct 14, 1066 to Oct 14, 1058

    1066 C.E. Battle Of Hastings

  • Period: to

    1813 Battle Of York

  • Israels Becomes A Jewish State

    Israels Becomes A Jewish State