7th Grade World History Timeline

By ak2623
  • 2000 BCE

    when the Ka 'bah was built

    when the Ka 'bah was built
    Abraham and his son Ismail created the Ka 'bah dedicated to God.
  • 931 BCE

    King Solomon Dies

    King Solomon Dies
  • 800 BCE

    Carthage Founded

    Carthage Founded
  • 750 BCE

    Rome was Founded

    Rome was Founded
  • 721 BCE

    Israel falls to the Assyrians

    Israel falls to the Assyrians
  • 597 BCE

    Judah falls to the Babylonians

    Judah falls to the Babylonians
  • 539 BCE

    Persians Conquered Babylonians

    Persians Conquered Babylonians
    King Cyrus let Jew practice their religion, let them return to Judah, and rebuilt their temple!
  • 385 BCE

    Rome almost fell to guals

    Rome almost fell to guals
  • 275 BCE

    Conquest of Italian Peninsula

    Conquest of Italian Peninsula
  • 264 BCE

    1st Punic War

    1st Punic War
  • 218 BCE

    2nd Punic War

    2nd Punic War
    Hannibal enters Italy
  • 146 BCE

    Burned Carthage to the ground

    Burned Carthage to the ground
  • 146 BCE

    3rd Punic War

    3rd Punic War
  • 139 BCE

    Greeks take over

    Greeks take over
  • 79 BCE

    Civil War

    Civil War
  • 73 BCE

    Spartacus's Rebellion!

    Spartacus's Rebellion!
    Spartacus led 23 slaves to rebel against the Romans. But Romans were unconcerned.
  • 72 BCE

    Romans vs. Spartacus

    Romans vs. Spartacus
  • 63 BCE

    Judea came under Roman Rule

    Judea came under Roman Rule
    Romans attempted to govern the county by appointing Jewish Leaders who agreed with Roman Rule.
  • 62 BCE

    Romans take over!

    Romans take over!
    Romans take over but they're not all bad. They allowed Jews to practice freely.
  • 49 BCE

    Caesar Crosses Rubicon river!

    Caesar Crosses Rubicon river!
    Caeser Disobeyed the senate and crossed the Rubicon River! Came back and defeated Pompey.
  • 44 BCE

    Caesar's Death

    Caesar's Death
    Enemies stabbed Caeser 23 times even his close friend participated.
  • 37 BCE

    Rome appointed Herod to be King

    Rome appointed Herod to be King
    Rome appointed Herod to be king of Judea. He was not Jewish by birth so people called him "The Roman Puppet," because he was not trustworthy.
  • 21 BCE

    King Herod built a Grander 2nd temple!

    King Herod built a Grander 2nd temple!
  • 6 BCE

    Jesus is Born

    Jesus is Born
  • 4 BCE

    King Herod Dies

    King Herod Dies
    King Herod died so his three sons took over kingdom divided amongst them.
  • 6

    Jesus is forgotten in Jerusalem.

    Jesus is forgotten in Jerusalem.
    When Jesus was 12 he and his parents went to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover. But, his parents left him behind and he was fine but at God's house.
  • 24

    Jesus is Baptised

    Jesus is Baptised
    Jesus gets baptized by John The Baptist and gets filled with the Holy Spirit.
  • 27

    Jesus's Cruxifiction

    Jesus's Cruxifiction
    Jesus was crucified by Pontious Pilate on top of a hill between two other men.
  • 31

    Octavian Defeated Mark Antony and Cleopatra.

    Octavian Defeated Mark Antony and Cleopatra.
  • 35

    Paul turns Christian

    Paul turns Christian
    Paul was walking to Damasus when he saw a blinding light and heard the voice of Jesus. This changed his life.
  • 60

    Christianity declared illegal

    Christianity declared illegal
    Christians were a threat to Romans so it was declared illegal.
  • 65

    Paul Dies.

    Paul Dies.
    Paul the missionary died.
  • 66

    Rabbi Yohanen Ben Zaccai!

    Rabbi Yohanen Ben Zaccai!
    Rabbi Yohanen Ben Zaccai smuggled himslef out in a coffin. He also asked a Roman General if he could open a Jewish School!
  • 70

    King Titus destroys temple!

    King Titus destroys temple!
    King Titus and 60,000 soldiers destroy the Grand Temple leaving only a corner of the wall!
  • 136

    Romans force Jews to flee!

    Romans force Jews to flee!
  • 240

    Carthage Lost 1st Punic War

    Carthage Lost 1st Punic War
  • 300

    Christians resided in Roman lands

    Christians resided in Roman lands
    Christians resided with Romans in Europe, north Africa, and western Africa.
  • 312

    Constantine had a Vision

    Constantine had a Vision
    Before going into battle, Emperor Constantine has a vision of a cross hanging in the sky. Interperitated if he became Christian he would win the battle. So he went into the battle with the first letters of Christianity on his shield and won battle.
  • 313

    Edict of Milan

    Edict of Milan
    Gave Christians freedom to practice their religion.
  • 380

    Christianity is official religion of Roman Empire

    Christianity is official religion of Roman Empire
  • Period: 476 to 1000

    Early Middle Ages

  • Period: 481 to 511

    Clovis's Rule of Franks

    Clovis ruled the Franks for 30 yrs and defeated the last great Roman Army!
  • 493

    Rome signed a treaty with Latins

    Rome signed a treaty with Latins
  • 509

    Etruscan King overthrown

  • 570

    Muhammad's Birth

    Muhammad's Birth
    Born into a dangerous time.
  • 576

    Muhammad's Mom dies

    Muhammad's Mom dies
    Muhammad's mom died when he was only six years old!
  • 582

    Trading Journey

    Trading Journey
    When Muhammad turned twelve he went on a trading Journey with abu Talib to north Syria.
  • 595

    Muhammad Married Khadija

    Muhammad Married Khadija
    Khadija asks to marry Muhammad because he is kind and truthful.
  • 610

    "Mountain of Light"

    "Mountain of Light"
    Muhammud became the messenger of god and had to recite three times which came to be the Qu'ran.
  • 613

    Muhammad began to preach to Meccans

    Muhammad began to preach to Meccans
    He preached to Meccans that they should believ in one and that all people in eyes of god are equal.
  • 617


    People of Mecca wouldn't trade with Muhammad's tribe because of their beliefs so they starved for three years. They only ate leaves off of trees.
  • 619

    Khadija's Death

    Khadija's Death
    Khadija died due to starvation because their tribe wasn't allowed to trade for food.
  • 619

    Night Journey

    Night Journey
    Angle Gabriel wakes Muhammad up and they fly on a winged horse to Jerusalem to meet Abraham, Moses, God, Jesus, and John the batist. Time had not passed while gone.
  • 619

    Abu Talib's Death

    Abu Talib's Death
  • 622

    Planned assassination

    Planned assassination
    Muhammad knew about people from Mecca wanting to Assassinate him so he asked his cousin to take his place to he could migrate to Madinah with his followers
  • 622

    Migration to Madinah

    Migration to Madinah
    Muhammad and his followers meet in the desert and walk to Madinah from Mecca. He was invited to Madinah as a buffer for people from the city.
  • 622

    First Year of Muslim Calendar

    First Year of Muslim Calendar
  • 624

    Fight with Meccans

    Fight with Meccans
    The fight between the Meccans and the Muslims. The Muslims won which was Muhammads' side.
  • 628

    Truce with Meccans

    Truce with Meccans
    After four years of fighting Muhammad negotiated a truce with Meccans.
  • 630

    Truce Broken

    Truce Broken
    Mecca broke the truce with the Muslims so Muhammad and his army came and broke all of the statues around the ka'bah. Rededicates ka'bah to one god.
  • 632

    Final Pilgrimage

    Final Pilgrimage
    Muhammad led his Final pilgrimage in March to Mecca.
  • 632

    Muhammad Dies

  • 634

    Abu Bakr's Death

    Abu Bakr's Death
    The first caliph Abu Bakr dies.
  • 644

    Umar's Death

    Umar's Death
    The second caliph Umar dies.
  • 656

    Uthman's Death

    Uthman's Death
    The third caliph Uthman was killed in 656ce.
  • 661

    Ali ibn abi Talib's Death

    Ali ibn abi Talib's Death
    Ali ibn abi Talib was the 4th caliph and got assassinate dby his own people!
  • 661

    Umayyad Dynasty Moves Capital

    Umayyad Dynasty Moves Capital
  • Period: 768 to 814

    Charlemagne's Rule of the Franks!

    Charlemagne was the king of the Franks and unified nearly all of Europe while on the throne!
  • 771

    Conquest Present Day Spain

    Conquest Present Day Spain
    Muslim armies conquest present-day Spain
  • 799

    Pope Leo lll accused of serious crimes!

    Pope Leo lll accused of serious crimes!
    Pope Leo lll was acused of serious crimes that Charlemagne helped him get out of.
  • Dec 25, 800

    Charlemagne Crowned by Pope

    Charlemagne Crowned by Pope
    Crowned on Christmas day by Pope Leo lll because Charlemagne helped him get out of accusses.
  • 814

    Charlemagne's Death

    Charlemagne's Death
    After his Death, the Empire quickly fell apart!
  • Period: 1000 to 1300

    High Middle Ages

  • 1054

    The Great Schism

    The Great Schism
    This divided the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox.
  • 1066

    Battle of York

    Battle of York
    Harold Godwinstin won the battle of York in 1066ce.
  • Oct 14, 1066

    Battle of Hastings

    Battle of Hastings
    English had a shield wall, Normans had archers and horseback. Rumor thought that William was dead, so Normans ran and the English broke the shield wall. Normans won the battle!!
  • Period: 1300 to 1450

    Late Middle Ages

  • 1517


    Martin Luther wanted changes but the Pope demanded he'd stop. But he odes not listen to him anymore so he started his own church called the Protestants.