Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light

By xyzozo
  • Birth of Ahmed al-Hassan

    Ahmed al-Hassan, who would later claim to be the prophesied Yamani and a messenger from Imam Mahdi is born in Basra, Iraq.
  • Declaration of the Divine Call

    Ahmed al-Hassan announced his mission as the Yamani and a messenger from Imam Mahdi, marking the beginning of the movement that would evolve into the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light.
  • Emergence of Abdullah Hashem Aba Al-Sadiq

    Abdullah Hashem, a disciple of Ahmed al-Hassan in Egypt, attracted followers after being mentioned in Prophet Muhammad's will as a Mahdi. Ahmed al-Hassan announced him as the Qaim from Muhammad's family, initiating a movement with the motto "Allegiance is to Allah."
  • Official Establishment and Migration to Sweden

    Officially established as a nonprofit organization with church status in the United States. Same hear Abduallah Hashem and around 70 followers establish themselves on a farm in Sweden.
  • Publication of Sacred Text and Relocation of Headquarters

    Published their sacred text "The Goal of the Wise," and moved their headquarters to the United Kingdom.
  • Persecution and Asylum Attempts

    Members faced persecution in various countries. Members attempting to seek asylum detained at the Turkish-Bulgarian border.
  • Publication of "The Mahdi's Manifesto"

    "The Mahdi's Manifesto" is released outlining their beliefs and mission.
  • Present Day

    Continues its activities from the headquarters in the UK with members in over 40 countries.