750 BCE
Roman Empire is founded
The empire is founded and ruled by a man called Romulus after he kills his brother Remus in a duel. -
509 BCE
Rome is involved in violent scandals
Rome's violent inhabitants cause very barbaric violence and fear spreads through the citizens of the empire. -
509 BCE
The city is spread into Patricians and Plebeians
The city is spread in to two categories of people.
Patricians are the people who have been lucky enough to be born into rich families while Plebeians are people born into poor families. -
390 BCE
Rome is unexpectedly attacked by another empire
Rome is attacked very abruptly from the north by another empire. -
149 BCE
The empire takes over all of current-day Italy and half of Spain
The empire is now spanning over all of current Italy and a large part of Spain -
146 BCE
Rome takes over modern-day Greece and all connecting Greece to Italy
The Roman Empire keeps rapidly growing through fierce battles. -
133 BCE
The Roman Republic falls and the empire falls into civil conflict
The Roman farmers start to move into the current day Rome to complain about having nothing after richer people bought everything from them for a song. -
45 BCE
Emperor Caesar is assassinated
Emperor Caesar is declared emperor but suddenly assassinated. -
Period: 27 BCE to 14
Emperor Augustus rules Rome for 43 years
Emperor Augustus becomes the emperor of the Roman Empire in 27 BC and his reign goes on for 43 years meaning he was the longest serving Roman Emperor in history. -
The Roman Empire is at it's largest
From 98 AD until 117 AD the Roman Empire was at it's largest state in history.