
By 1_28amb
  • Great Chicago Fire

  • Eco Panic

  • End of Reconstruction

  • Eco Depression

  • The Great Railroad strike

    first strike that spread across multiple states in the U.S.
  • Eco crash

  • Creation Knight of Labour

  • Haymarket strike =1st international Workers day

    o A national strike for the eight-hour workday led to protests.
    o In Chicago, police killed strikers at McCormick Reaper Works.
    o During a protest at Haymarket Square, a bomb killed seven policemen.
    o Authorities blamed anarchists; four were executed, and unionism was stigmatized as radical and violent.
    o The Knights of Labor declined as a result.
  • Homestead strike

    o Carnegie Steel workers protested wage cuts and occupied the plant.
    o Henry Clay Frick hired Pinkertons, who were attacked by strikers.
    o Pennsylvania’s state militia was deployed, breaking the strike and destroying the union.
  • Important eco crash

  • Pullman Strike

    o George Pullman cut wages but kept rent high in his company town.
    o The American Railway Union (ARU), led by Eugene Debs, refused to handle Pullman cars.
    o The strike spread nationwide, paralyzing railroads.
    o President Cleveland sent federal troops, leading to violent clashes.
    o Debs was arrested, radicalized in prison, and later became a socialist leader.
  • End ARU

  • Chicago become a large city of 1M ppl

  • Eastern + Mediterranean Europe immigration