Before the Apartheid Timeline

  • 1 BCE


    In the early years, in Africa migration played a large role. It helped form many of the groups in South Africa. Many other ethnic groups also migrated to Africa, such as from Asia and from Europe.
  • Dutch colonization

    Dutch colonization
    The dutch drove into Africa with their weapons held high. The Africans protested against the dutch, causing them to forcefully subdue them. They proceeded to exploit them economically, keeping them under control.
  • Imperialism

    Europeans started to colonize Africa in the 1700's. This started a long rivalry between the two groups, which eventually led to the apartheid.
  • Discovery of Diamonds

    Discovery of Diamonds
    In Africa they discovered diamonds, this caused lots of Europeans to flood to Africa. They ended up using the people there for work, or as slaves. This was the start of the segregation, leading to the Apartheid.
  • Indians in South Africa

    Indians in South Africa
    Indians started to flood to Africa as slavery was abolished so the colonizers needed cheap labor. The Indians made the Europeans mad with their culture and their acts. This started segregation, against the Indians but it is easier to discriminate against none white individuals rather than a specific group.
  • Scramble for Africa

    Scramble for Africa
    There was an event named the Berlin Conference where the European powers joined together and split up Africa among them. The actual scramble was when the countries rushed in, trying to claim their land before others did. This led to the Apartheid.
  • Mass immigration

    Mass immigration
    The Indians were immigrating into South Africa in mass numbers. This caused the Europeans to lose some of the control they had. As a reaction to this they made prejudicial laws and limited immigration into South Africa.
  • Discovery of Gold

    Discovery of Gold
    In Transvaal gold was discovered. After they found diamonds, there were already lots of Europeans in Africa. With the discovery of gold there were tons of Europeans. The amount of Europeans caused the Africans in Transvaal to revolt and become violent to the Europeans. Furthermore they used Africans as slaves to work in the mines.
  • Gold Wages

    Gold Wages
    Gold companies in Africa would offer the Africans extremely low wages to mine gold. They would lock them under contract for up to 9 months. Forcing them to live in the mines and not see their family. They lived in cramp condition, hot and loud caves, majority of the time they couldn't stand up straight.
  • Separating groups

    Separating groups
    Laws and regulations were made to split the population into groups. The white South Americans were educated and had high paying jobs. Meanwhile everyone else didn't get these things, couldn't own land and had no power in the government.

    The South African Native National Congress, was founded in 1912. This group was made to protest the right of the South Africans, as the Europeans had come in and took away their rights. Later the group changed their name to the African National Congress, as other countries in Africa had the same problem as South Africa.
  • Removal of Dutch influence

    Removal of Dutch influence
    Afrikaner was a people that speak Afrikaans which is a combination of many languages. Mainly featuring Dutch, and English. In a nationalist movement they tried to remove all of the Dutch influence in the language. Also, they tried to remove Dutch as a national language in South Africa starting a chaos.
  • Germany?

    During the World Wars, the Afrikaners saw what Germany was doing, admiring their racial purity. When WWII did come they tried to stay neutral, but ended up joining the Allies team.
  • Laws

    On May 26th, 1948 in the national House of Assembly the South African discriminatory laws where strengthened guaranteeing the white minority dominance over the people. This was the real start to the Apartheid.