First permanent English settlement, which struggled at first, due to people dying of starvation and disease. This period was known as the starving time. Many people moved to Chesapeake for financial opportunity but there were also Puritans and Piligrims who moved due to religious reasons. Many people had a hard time surviving due to them having to harvest natural resources to profit their companies. They later on discovered tobacco which allowed them to change the course of colonial history. -
Proclamation of 1763
No expansion past the Appalachian Mountains.Since they didn't want to fight with the Native Americans. The British were upset so in response they created The Stamp Act, The Sugar Act, The Quartering Act.The British troops decided to stay in the colonies to protect against the Spanish, returning French, and Indian aggression. They wanted to enforce colonial acceptance. In response to the British the Colonist decided to begin to smuggle and for there to be political activism and speeches. -
The Sugar Act
It was created by George Grenville. It was made to reduce taxes by half. This caused smuggling to increase due to people not wanted to pay the taxes. People would do this since they wanted to be more free since soldiers took complete control over people's life's and they didn't want to be subjugated. The Sugar Act cut duty on foreign molasses from 6 to 3 pence per gallon and retained duty in any foreign sugar. It also prohibited the importation of foreign rum. -
Sons of Liberty
The Sons of Liberty was created as a response to the British creating The Quartering Act, The Sugar Act, and the Stamp Act. They would usually act in a violent way causing their methods to be less effective. They specifically fought against taxation rules. It was founded by Samuel Adams and John Hancock. Their goal was too prevent the British from receiving goods and money from the colonies. This was done for the colonists to have more rights. This organization was men only. -
Daughters of liberty
The Daughters of Liberty was created to protest against the stamp act. This was known as a boycott. The Daughters of Liberty weren't very violent which caused their actions to be more effective. One of the actions they would do was to make their own clothes to stop taxes in manufactured clothes to get financial liberty. They supported the Sons of Liberty. -
The Stamp Act
The Stamp Act required for any birth certificate, death certificate, legal contract. marriage license, diploma, degree, etc. to have a stamp in it. It was made to help pay for wars people thought it was unfair since it wasn't being applied equally since some of Great Britain didn't pay for it. The stamp act would give taxes to many supplies that people needed so they would be able to afford paying the war. -
The Quartering Act
This was something very controversial since it took away people's privacy. Soldiers in the colony were allowed to know on people's doors, if soldiers wanted they had to be provided with food and accommodations. The soldiers would keep track of people who were disloyal and would make connections between people. This made colonists very upset. Soldiers typically knocked on the upper and middle class to be better provided. -
Boston Massacre
It was a very violent battle since many people died. Soldiers weren't allowed to respond to the people who were protesting. Some of the protestors would disguise rocks as snowballs which caused people to get hurt and put people on edge. Colonists began the Boston Massacre in response to the British Crisis. Even thought it was very violent only 5 people died. -
The Boston Tea Party
It was the colonists response for the British Crisis. Due to the British putting high taxes in tea it caused anger between the colonists. Their leader was Samuel Adams and the plan was to dress up as Indians and throw away expensive tea in response to the taxing that had been put on the tea. -
coercive acts
It is known as the Intolerable Acts, they were a series of 4 laws passed by the British Parliament to punish the Colonists for the Boston Tea Party. The 4 acts were the Boston Port Act, The Administration of Justice Act, and the Quartering Act. The Boston Port Act closed down the port of Boston until the damages made were paid. The Massachusetts Government Act gave the governor's council more power. The Administration of Justice Act made British officials immune to prosecution. -
Second continental congress
Takes place in Philadelphia,unlike the first continental congress all 13 colonies sent delegates.The Radicals were led by John Adams Samuel Adams.They had the desire for independence revolution.The colonials were willing to fight.The conservatives were led by John Dickenson,they had the desire to reconcile with Great Britain.He sends a letter to King George 3,which he rejects his petition and declared an open rebellion.Delegates tell Thomas Jefferson to write the declaration of Independence. -
Battle of Bunker Hill
This battle was able to prove that American patriots were able to not fall against the British Army. This fight made any reconciliation between England and America no longer possible. The British ended up winning but the Americans still felt successful since they had half the amount of soldiers that British armies had. -
creation of U.S. Navy
In a meeting in Philadelphia the Continental Congress decided to vote out 2 sailing vessels. They would be able to protect America from the British Army. They would defend their rights from the British Empire. John Adams had the plan to fleet the Union from the British. He claimed that this would help protect the towns in the US from the British. The Congress was not willing to make the navy permanent. During the War of Independence the Navy was very successfully used. -
Declaration of Independence
The declaration of Independence states 3 main ideas. God made all men equal and gave them rights to life, Liberty, and pursuit of happiness, the main business of government is to protect this rights, and if government tried to withhold these rights the people are free to set up a new government. It was written by Jefferson and he was inspired on writing about what King George 3 had violated. This allowed them to seek independence. -
The battle of Saratoga
This is the Battle that represents the turning point of the war. The British General John Burgoyne has the plan to move South and meet with other British armies to attack the continentals. When he arrives he is surrounded by the continental army causing him to surrender. This brings hope to the American people since they hadn't been successful in their past few battles. -
articles of confederation
It served as the US first constitution. After the Second Continental Congress there was the question of what form the confederation the colonies should take. John Dickson was the main writer. All of the 13 delegates from the states signed it which is seen on the last page of the articles. It's purpose was to establish a national government and establish a sovereign nation. -
Battle of Yorktown
General Cornwallis was considered a genius due to his brilliant military plan.He wanted the colonists to be cold suffer to be unhealthy while the British were protected during the fall to be healthy.This was a battle fought between the British the Americans but the French helped the US.Cornwallis didn't know the French defeated the British in the Battle of Capes so when he arrived Yorktown Americans French were waiting for him. -
Treaty of Paris
It officially ends the Revolutionary War. This allows the USA to have all British lands between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mississippi River, while also having North to British Canada, this allowed for American expansion. This Treaty made the USA an independent nation. -
Election of 1789
After the USA became independent they had a presidential election. After George Washington led the American Army to victory in the Revolutionary war. This made him have a very good image of the people which made them select him to be president. He chose John Adams as his Vice President. He set many precedents for others. Such as having to address their vision to the country and the farewell addresses. This made George Washington the first president and John Adams the first vice president. -
Federal Judiciary Act of 1789
It was passed by Congress. It created a independent federal court system with the supreme court and lower level courts. They wanted to focus on the problems that were the most important so they created levels of court to hear your case. The first level is Federal judges then it goes up to the Appellate court if they agree with the case it stops there but if they disagree then it is sent to the supreme court which is made up of 9 justices to prevent ties.Which determines what happens to the case. -
Hamilton's Financial Plan
Hamilton believed that the federal government should be stronger than state governments. So to pay off war debts he needed to develop the trust of other nations for trade so he developed the plan of assumption, his plan was to pay the debts as a nation. He wanted to raise the federal government's revenues through tariffs and taxes. He wanted to have protective tariffs to create competition and have space for growth. He also wanted to create a national bank for people. -
The Whisky Rebellion
Farmers from Western Pennsylvania rose up to protest on the things that they saw as unfair of taxation in the new nation. In 1791 the Congress approved produced a new federal tax.For farmers whiskey was important to convert large amounts of grains into liquor.It was easier to transport through the Appalachian mountains for sales in the eastern markets.The Whiskey Rebellion was led by Alexander Hamilton which was the secretary of state at the time to pay of the debts from the American revolution. -
The Cotton Gin
The Cotton Gin was created by Eli Whitney, this was a revolutionary machine that produced Cotton at a faster rate it was able to remove seeds from cotton. This also made a justification for the South to keep slavery which prevented the end of slavery. Whitney didn't only create the Cotton Gin but he also he created other things such as musket parts which were identical making it easier to assemble cars. -
Pinckey's Treaty
On the West side of the Appalachian they use southern trade through rivers instead of using the trade system in the East. Washington thinks the Mississippi is a risk to transport since some of it is part of Spain. Spain gave them permission to pass the Mississippi through New Orleans. They were worried that the treaty would be enough for Spain and they would back out. -
Alien and Sedition Acts
It caused the Naturalization Act increases the amount for immigrants to vote from 5 years to 20 years, this was done since the majority of immigrants had gone to the US to escape political constitution. Immigrants wanted to vote for anti-federalist to have a smaller government. The government allows for any immigrant that is considered dangerous to be deported. This takes away freedom of speech. -
revolution of 1800
It made the US change political sides. The world thought the US was going to collapse. Jefferson won the election and Adams dropped out since he lost. Adams attempts to hold power by choosing the judges of the constitution this judges are known as the midnight judges they ensure that there is no abusive power in the government and protect peoples rights. Adams does this for Jefferson to unravel what happened during the presidency. -
Embargo act 1807
The Embargo Act restricts imports from Great Britain and closes all ports of the US for exports. Britain and France are at war and want the US to stop trading with each other. Jefferson makes the decision to stop trade with everyone with everyone which destroys the American Economy. It was an unpopular act with merchants, traders, and the business community. He did this to prevent competition between other foreign countries. Jefferson builds the American economy better than before. -
War of 1812
The war was caused for many reasons some which include:The British Navy took American people and forced them to work, the British Army supporting Native Americans resistance against the US, the US wanted to prove that them winning the American Revolution wasn't just luck and that they are worth having respect. The US army isn't very well trained compared to the British army this causes Americans to fight a defensive war.After the US win they are able to expand Midwest and began foreign trade. -
The Battle of Thames
The British and Americans come together to defeat the Native Americans. They kill the leader Tecumesh which leads to the end of the Indian Resistance in the Ohio River Alley. After his death the Native Americans retreated which caused it to end the resistance making those places safer since people were scared of Native American attacks. -
Treaty of Ghent
After the War of 1812 both the British and the Americans were trying to find peace with each other. The war ended after a British commissioner signed the Treaty of Ghent. In which Great Britain agreed to reclaim the Northwest Territory and both countries tried to work towards ending slave trade. The news of the Treaty were very slow and didn't reach the battle of New Orleans until 1815. -
The Battle of New Orleans
Andrew Jackson was the general when fighting this war he knew that they didn't have enough people. To gain more people the American force was made up of farmers, sailors/pirates, swamps, and slaves. This showed Jackson's toughness. His plan was to build a 10 ft ditch and put his best shooters to attack the British. His victory is seen as the end of the War. This helped the US feel pride, embark foreign trade, and for Native American resistance removed. -
Missouri compromise
Missouri wanted to become a slave state which would cause slave states to have more power. So they decided to make Maine a non-slave state to balance it out. Some people thought that the Missouri compromise was unconstitutional since it set precedent for Congress to make laws concerning slavery. The main purpose of the compromise was to keep a balance between power of Congress in free and slave states. -
Election of 1824
An election between Henry Clay, John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, and William H. Crawford.Since Henry Clay is very influential in the house of representatives, he gets out of the election to not be seen as corrupt. Crawford dies making only Jackson and Adams available.They try to persuade Clay to gain his support.Clay and Adams have a private conversation, soon after Adams becomes president. Jackson is furious since he won popular and electoral votes.This election is known as a corrupt bargain. -
Election of 1828
Jackson was able to get a lot of states to repeal on voting restrictions now allowing more people to vote. This was the first modern political campaign where they had political parties. Andrew Jackson was the founder of the Democratic Party. Jackson is able to expand his popularity in the election by creating messages, rallies, conventions, etc. This was known as a campaign button. Jackson was known as the common man so many people liked him since he was relatable. People see him as uncivilized. -
Compromise Tariff of 1833
The Union is beginning to tear apart due to the amount of taxes that people were giving. Henry Clay some to the rescue and creates the compromise Tariff which allowed taxes to go down 10% every year. This gives satisfaction to people this satisfies both Jackson and South Carolina. Henry Clay is seen as a hero for being able to help the nation stay together and prevent succession, nullification, and civil war. -
Mexican-American War
The war was caused by the annexation of Texas in 1845. This argument began due to where Texas ended. Mexico claimed that it ended in the Nueces River and the USA claimed that it ended in Rio Grande. The US was a lot more powerful than Mexico to the point where they were able to take over Mexico's capital. James K. Polk who was the president at the time sent John Slidell to spy on Mexico once he learned the snub he ordered troops to stay between Nueces and Rio Grande. -
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
The Treaty was able to end the Mexican-American War. It said that the border between Texas and Mexico was in Rio Grande which gave a great portion of Mexico to the US. Mexicans who were located in Annexed areas were able to become American citizens and receive full civil rights. This was able to allow America to expand. It gave parts of Mexico to the US such as California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico, etc. -
Seneca falls convention
It was the first Women's rights convention in the US. They wanted to do this to discuss women's rights in society, religion, and politics. The people who organized the convention were Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Coffin Mott, Martha Coffin Wright, Mary Ann McClintock, and Jane Hunt. This was somewhat controversial since some people supported it and others claimed that the women were unfeminine and immoral. -
Compromise of 1850
It was a series of laws passed by Congress to settle issues over slavery. It was to avoid the civil war. California wanted to become a free state but it's in-between the line to be a free state and a slave state. Slave trade was abolished in Washington D.C. which made people believe that the country was going to go that direction. Slaves weren't considered free when going to the North and had to be reported. Henry Clay had a lot of influence in keeping unity in the US -
Dred Scott case
Dred Scott was a slave of a military man who moved from the South to the North. He decided to sue claiming that he should be free due to him being in a free state. Roger B. Tany was a chief of justice that thought that blacks were an inferior race he said that there were no free states. This causes the Legislative opportunity to be taken away. -
Battle of Bull Run
It was the first major battle of the Civil War. It was between the South and the North and revealed that the Civil War would be long and bloody. The confederates won the Battle. The Union was struggling to get a good general so they were replaced a couple of times. The Union had general Irvin McDowell and was replaced by General George B. McClellan who reorganized and trained the army to become the army of Potomac. -
The Homestead Act
The government wants to make the West a more productive area. Urban areas have high populations making it easier to spread disease, poorness, and crime. In the areas that needed more population they would give people 160 acres of federal land for private use. There were 3 requirements to gain land move to it, improve the land, and farm it for at least 5 years. It created more opportunity for people and increased productivity. The downside is that it caused conflicts with Native Americans. -
Pacific Railway Acts
This was the first transcontinental Railroad which helped create better unity. This plan was going to be expensive, since the government would bid from companies who supported this. Train companies began to build small towns every couple of miles to be able to get supplies. This made the value of the land increase since this created infrastructure. Many of the immigrants went west to be able to get more opportunities but since they didn't have any land so train companies would maintain people. -
Battle of Antietam
It was Commanded by George B. McClellan, Robert E.Lee, Joseph Hooker, and Brigadier General Anderson. It is known as one of the deadliest one-day battles in US history. It was able to show how the Union could stand against the Confederate army in the East. This Battle gave Abraham Lincoln the confidence to issue the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation to strengthen the moment instead of making them desperate. -
The Emancipation Proclamation
Border states are now allowed to have legal slavery. The South abolished slavery due to the Emancipation Proclamation.There were two parts to the Emancipation Proclamation. In the first part Lincoln wanted to bring back the South to the Union and offered them to keep their slaves if they returned peacefully. In the second part Lincoln said that if they didn't come back peacefully they would take any slaves in conquered territory. -
Battle of Vicksburg & Gettysburg
The Union won both of this battles. Vicksburg was led by general Ulysses S. Grant and Gettysburg was fought by the army of Potomac. This victories were seen as the turning point for the Union making them have more victories after this the Confederacy victories declined. In Vicksburg they were able to regain control over the Mississippi River and in Gettysburg they were able to stop the confederates to enter the North this was one of the bloodiest battles. -
Lincoln's 10% plan
He felt that the Nation could only be unified again if there were no feelings of animosity. Any state could be readmitted once at least 10% of voters had sworn loyalty oaths. Many people disagreed with this saying 10% was too little since 90% could still disagree. The Radical Republicans decided to create the Wade-Davis Bill in 1864 to make 50% of state voters swear oaths of loyalty to the Union. Lincoln refused to sign the bill claiming it was to harsh. -
Sand Creek Massacre
The Sand Creek Massacre was a planned Massacre and it's one of the worst ones in US history due to how violent it was. They focused on mainly attacking women, children, and elderly. Many of the men that were ordered to attack showed resistance towards the orders. *** -
Panic of 1873
It was a financial crisis which was caused for many reasons such as Railroad investments, speculative investments, currency changes, etc. The panic led to many things such as bank failures, deflation, the long depression, political realignment, industrial consolidation, new financial regulations, and political debates. It caused a major economic depression that lasted for many years which affected the economy greatly. -
It is The National American Woman Suffrage Association. They would fight for women's rights to vote and have political equality. The founders were Lucy Stone, Alice Stone Blackwell, Susan B. Anthony, Harriet Stanton Blatch, Rachel Foster, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. It had a great influence in the 19th Amendment which allowed women to vote in the 1920's. This transformed the way women were able to be seen since now women have so many more rights.