Arab israeli conflict

Arab Israeli Conflict

  • 1948 War

    1948 War
    May 15, 1948 - March 1, 1949 Israel declares independence. Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, & Iraq attack Israel. Israel gains land. Egypt gains the Gaza Strip and Jordan gains the west Bank and East Jerusalem. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians and Jews become refugees. "The Israeli War of Independence, 1948." History 12. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 May 2015.
  • Attrition Battles

    Attrition Battles
    Israel is open to returning other territories in exchange for peace and recogntion of its right to exist. Arab nations refuse to make peace and attack Israel. Jordan succeeds in evicting the PLO from the country. The PLO move its base of operations to Lebanon. The Attrition Battles end on September 1, 1970. ""Ghostwriter" History." : The Battle of Verdun. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 May 2015.
  • Six Day War or The 1967 War

    Six Day War or The 1967 War
    Egypt blockades Israel. Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Iraq move troops to Israel's borders and make threatening statements. Israel launches a preemptive strike. Israel captures the West Bank and East Jerusalem from Jordan, the Golan Heights from Syria, and the Gaza Strip and all of the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt. More Palestinians and Jews become refugees. Terrorism becomes more common. The war takes place from June 5-10, 1967.
  • Settlement Construction Begins

    Settlement Construction Begins
    The Israeli government approves the building of settlements in the Sinai, Gaza and West Bank. They are intended to act as security outposts. These settlements are one of the issues that Israel and the Palestinian Authority must negotiate as part of a comprehensive peace agreement. The settlement contruction ends on June 10, 1967
  • The October War/ Yom Kippur War

    The October War/ Yom Kippur War
    October 6, 1973- October 26, 1973 Eygypt and Syria attack Israel on Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the Jewish year. Israelis manages to push back the attack. The United States convinces Israel to withdraw from the territories it had entered. Israel retains the territories captured in 1967, but does not keep additional land. "Yom Kippur War Begins... Jews-Arabs...." - N.p., 2015. Web. 04 May 2015.
  • Egypt and Israel Sign a Peace Agreement

    Egypt and Israel Sign a Peace Agreement
    Egypt becomes the first Arab country to recognize Israel and enters into a peace treaty with Israel. Egypt's President, Anwar Sadat, realizes that continuing states of war with Israel is harming the economy and its people. The agreement becomes a model for Israel's "land for peace" policy. "On This Day: Sadat and Begin Sign Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty." On This Day: Sadat and Begin Sign
  • The 1982 Lebanon War

    The 1982 Lebanon War
    Palestine Liberation Organization units in southern Lebanon increasingly attacks communites in northern Israel. In response, Israel launches an attack on Palestine Liberation Organization militants stationed in Lebanon. Renewed terrorist attacks from southern Lebanon leads to the second Lebanon War in 2006. The war ends on September 1, 1982. "Merkava Series." Merkava Series. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 May 2015.
  • The First Intifada

    The First Intifada
    December 8, 1987 - 1993 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and West Bank engage in an uprising against Israeli control of these territories. Palestinians attack israelis with improvised weapons and firearms supplied by the PLO, which has organized much of the uprising. Many Palestinians are killed and this conflict continues until the Oslo Accords are signed in 1993. "Israel: IDF Has Removed 145 Roadblocks." News That Matt
  • The Oslo Accords

    The Oslo Accords
    The Oslo Accords are a set of agreements that begin in 1993 when Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization sign a Declaration of Principles. This leads to the creation of the Palestinian Authority, it leaves Israel the right to defend itself and its citizens. The Palestine Liberation Organization finally recognizes Israel and Israel recognizes them as the representative of the Palestinian people.
  • Israel and Jordan sign a Peace Treaty

    Israel and Jordan sign a Peace Treaty
    The U.S. leads a difficult but successful diplomatic process to help Jordan and Israel achieve peace. Trade, business relation, tourism, cultural exchanges, and scientific cooperation between the two nations has increased since the agreement was signed. "Memories of Peace: A Return to Jordan." Ynet. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 May 2015.,7340,L-4582234,00.html
  • The Camp David Summit

    The Camp David Summit
    Bill Clinton brings Israeli Prime Minester Ehud Barak and Palestinian President Yasser Arafat to Camp David in July 2000. It is the first major attempt to negotiate a comprehensive final status agreement between Israel and Palestine. The goal of the summit, two states living side by side in peace, was not achieved and further conflict ensues. "President Obama Will Visit Israel and Middle East." Booman Tribune. N.p., n.d. Web. 05
  • The Second Intifada

    The Second Intifada
    There is widespread frustration at the lack of progress in the peace process. Many Palestinians claim that the Israeli General's visit is provacative and they begin to riot. The conflict causes great bloodshed and suffering on both sides. This failed peace process prolongs condition of misery for both peoples, Palestinian civilians are also unintentional victims of the intifada. The Second Intifada ends on February 8, 2005.
  • Arad Peace Initiative is Proposed

    Arad Peace Initiative is Proposed
    King of Saudi Arabia proposes a peace initiative that is endorced by all members of the Arab Leagues. It offers Israel peace in return for Israel's withdrawal from all territories captured in the 1967 war. On July of 2007, Israeli leaders meet with representatives of the Arab league to discuss the proposal. "The Arab Peace Initiative." - Al Jazeera English. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 May 2015.
  • Israel Begins Constructing the West Bank Barrier

    Israel Begins Constructing the West Bank Barrier
    Israel decides to build a security barrier that will seperate its citizens from terrorist groups in the West Bank. The wall is criticized for dividing some Palestinians from their land and place of work or study and requiring these individuals to wait to pass through security check points. "Israel Green Lights Completion of West Bank Wall - World Tribune." World Tribune. N.p., 16 July 2012. Web. 05 M
  • The Roadmap for Peace is Proposed

    The Roadmap for Peace is Proposed
    A plan for peace is proposed in 2003 by the "Quartet", the U.S., Russia, European Union, and the U.N. It involves reciprocal steps by the Israelis and Palestinians with the ultimate goal of an independent Palestinian state and a secure Israel. There is yet to be a significant progress as a result of the Roadmap or the Annapolis Conference.
  • Israel Disengages from Gaza

    Israel Disengages from Gaza
    Prime Minester, Ariel Sharon moves ahead with the policy of "Disengagement" or the physical seperation from Israel from Palestine territories. He also wants to remove Israel from the Gaza Strip.
    Israel withdraws from the Gaza Strip and the number of rockets fired by terrorists from Gaza into Israel increases. "ISRAEL - JUST THE FACTS: Let's Get The Facts Straight About The Gaza Strip." ארץ ישראל
  • Hamas is Elected

    Hamas is Elected
    Palestinians elect a majority of Hamas members to the Palestinian Authority's legislative over the Palestine Liberation Organization's Fatah party that had previously been in power. Many western nations impose sanctions and suspend aid to the Palestinian Authority. "Tuesday, February 28, 2006." 3quarksdaily:. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 May 2015.
  • The 2006 Lebanon War

    The 2006 Lebanon War
    Hzbolla organization commits to destroying Israel and attacks an Israeli army unit. At the same time, it begins launching rockets into Israeli cities and towns. In response, Israel launches an airstrike back. Hostilities officially end with UN Cease Fire Resolution 1701 passed on August 11, 2006 "The History Guy: Israel-Lebanon/Hezbollah War (2006)." The History Guy: Israel-Lebanon/Hezbollah War (2006). N.p., n.d. Web. 05 May 2015.
  • The Battle of Gaza

    The Battle of Gaza
    Hamas militants attack Fatah members throughout Gaza. In response, the Palestinian Authority dissolves the Hamas government. There are two Palestinian governments, Hamas controls Gaza and the Palestinian Authority controls the West Bank. Western sanctions to the Palestinian Authority are lifted after the Hamas government is dissolved. The Battle of Gaza ends on June 15, 2007.
  • The Gaza War

    The Gaza War
    2008-2009 Israel attacks Hamas targets in Gaza in an attempt to stop rocket attacks on southern Israel and to disrupt terrorists infrastucture and weapon smuggling. Hundreds of militants are killed, but because Hamas is based in and launches attacks from urban areas, there are also many civilian casualties and Gaza's buildings and economy are heavily damaged. "PressTV - Palestinians Mark 2nd Gaza War Anniv." PressTV - Palestinians Mark 2nd Gaza W
  • Gaza Flotilla Incident

    Gaza Flotilla Incident
    Israel and Egypt begin a blockade of Gaza. They require all goods to be inspected before entering Gaza to prevent Hamas from smuggling in weapons. This leads to a severe deterioration in the relationship between Israel and Turkey, which had been allies. "Turkey Investigating Jews for Role in Gaza Flotilla Incident - World Tribune." World Tribune. N.p., 23 Dec. 2012. Web. 07 May 2015.
  • The Arab Spring

    The Arab Spring
    Citizens in Arab states begin to protest against autocratic and oppressive governments. The Tunisian president leaves the country and the Egyptian President resigns. Protests occur in Algeria, Bahrain, Jordan, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Syria, Yemen, and other countries. The long-term impact of the on going changes in Arab nations on the Arab-Israeli conflict and peace process is not yet clear.