Before Apartheid

  • Settling of the Boers

    Settling of the Boers
    The Dutch farmers know as the Boers settled in South Africa. The Boers gave goods to the sailors going back and forth from Europe to Aisa.
  • Boer Expansion

    Boer Expansion
    The Boers expanded in South Africa after the French protestants fled Europe.
  • Communities

    In the 1700s South Africa was split into small groups around the country. Overtime those small groups came together into large political communities.
  • "Freedom" for Slaves

    "Freedom" for Slaves
    The law in the 1790s said that Slaves could leave their area of residence with permission from the authorities. This was their way of giving slaves "freedom."
  • Zulu Came to Power

    Zulu Came to Power
    The Zulu conquered small communities in South Africa. If they were against the Zulu rule they were removed.
  • Indian Arrivals

    Indian Arrivals
    India arrived in South Africa from their colony called India that was under British control. They were seeking new cheap labor after slavery was abolishes in their colony.
  • Diamonds/Gold

    Gold and diamonds were discovered in South Africa from 1869 to 1886. This spiked the Transvaal market which changed South African history.
  • Second Boer War

    Second Boer War
    The British reconquered the Transvaal. This caused the second Boer war with the Afrikaners fighting for their freedom.
  • Union of South Africa

    Union of South Africa
    Union of South Africa was created by the British. It united many parts of South Africa as a self governing dominion.
  • Creation of the ANC

    Creation of the ANC
    A group of black South Africans gathered and created the African National Congress (ANC). This was their response to the apartheid
  • ANC in Motion

    ANC in Motion
    The ANC had their first successful protest in South Africa. They protested the treatment of Black people in South Africa.
  • Nationalist in Action

    Nationalist in Action
    The Afrikaner Nationalist fought to replace the Dutch. Their campaign was successful and Afrikaanas was then one of the official languages.
  • "Radical Purity"

    "Radical Purity"
    South Africa started to develop ideas on racial superiority. They liked what the Nazis were doing with their radical Purity policies and tried to mirror them.
  • Segregation reaffirmed

    Segregation reaffirmed
    In 1936 an act was passed to reinforce segregation. They separated all public places for blacks, natives, and anyone with color.