The Death of His Parents (Industry vs. Inferiority)
After witnessing his parents death Bruce Wayne's inferiority sky rockets causing him to feel out of control and afraid in his life. This is Erickson's Industry vs. Inferiority crisis, where our ability to work hard can be met with a lack support and encouragement leading to a sense of inferiority. This inferiority is what causes Bruce to feel a desire to reclaim control, which later transforms into his intense drive to train, prepare, and eventually become the Batman. -
The Decision to Become Batman (Identity vs. Role Confusion)
As a young adult struggling with the lack of justice around his parents murder, Bruce Wayne dedicates his life to becoming the Batman. A vigilante persona dedicated to stopping the criminals of Gotham city. Erickson's Identity vs role confusion crisis is about finding your identity while exploring the different roles you play in life or struggling with the lack of acceptance around your identity and the possible creation of role confusion. -
Creating the Justice League (Generativity vs Stagnation)
Later in his life, Bruce funds and forms the Justice League, in order to help bring up the next generation of heroes. In Erickson's Generativity vs. Stagnation crisis generativity is about helping leave something behind for the next generation. Where others may feel stagnant if they cant help create something for the next generation.