Peter Moore Born
Anne Davis Moore
JRF Born in Owensville
Helen Gilligan Favret Born
Andrew Gilligan Born
Loretta Moore Favret Born
Andrew & Loretta Wedding
Period: to
Early Years of Marriage
Andrew Aloysius Born
Peter James Born
Period: to
New Bedford Studies
Diane L'Huillier Born
Michael John Born
Kim Edwards Born
Move into Archer Court
Period: to
Archer Court Era
A time for babies and Pentagon missiles -
Patrick John Born
Thomas Raymond Born
Mary Monaco Green Favret Kerley Born
Mary Agnes Born
James Vincent Born
Vicki Barstow Born
Loretta Mary Born
Cynthia Holt Born
Martin Augustine Born
John Dennis Born
Period: to
Gatewood Place Glory
School Uniforms, Hillandale Pool & the Hoops Court -
Anne Marie Born
Walnut Hills Purchased
Peter J. Moore Dies
Helen Gilligan Favret Dies
Pat and M.G. Married
James Joseph Born
Pete and Diane Wedding
Diane and Pete Married
Christopher Favret Born
Emily Favret Born
Favret Dictionary 1st Edition Published
Danny Favret Born
Period: to
Featherwood Transition
Mike & Kim Married
Period: to
Walnut Hills Epic
Marty & Cynthia Married
Marty and Cynthia Married
James Raymond Favret Dies
aged 92 -
Patrick John Died
Stephen Favret Born
Jane Favret Born
Jim & Vicky Wedding
Rebecca Favret Born
Dean Retires from Catholic
Andy and Elizabeth's Wedding
Mary & Andrew Wedding
Tom & Sylwia's Wedding
Babe & Billiam Wedding
Sophie Patrick Miller Born and Died
Alexandra Nicole Born
Cassandra Born
Aunt Mary Favret Dies
Period: to
Age of Bethany Beach
John and Yvette Wedding
Benedict Miller Born
Valerie Agnieszka Born
Patrick Hubert Born
La & Rick Wedding
Uncle Ray Favret Dies
Jim & Jessica's Wedding
Period: to
Chronicles of Buckingham Choice
Chris & Jamie Married
Amanda and Sasha's Wedding
Amanda and Sasha Married
Loretta Moore Favret Dies
Andrew Gilligan Favret Dies
John Dennis Favret Died
Claire Favret and Chas Married