Warren Court
“Some thrilled to the approach of the Warren Court. Many law professors were perplexed, often sympathetic to the Court's results but skeptical of the soundness of its constitutional reasoning. And some of course were horrified.” This is a quote from the Warren Court that described how people felt about them and their decision to help dismantle segregation. -
Brown v. Board of Education
This event dismantled school segregation, allowing all races to learn together. -
Montgomery Bus Boycott
Rosa Parks sits on white only bus, despite segregation in place, and is arrested for it. -
Executive Order 9981
This order was put in place to desegregate the U.S. Military. -
Little Rock Nine
9 black teens that went to a white school peacefully ignoring segregation. -
Black citizens protesting civil rights by purposefully disobeying segregation. -
Freedom Rides
Black citizens rode buses into deep south to protest civil rights. -
This group focuses on protesting in the streets for racial equality and civil rights. -
March on Washington
Black citizens marched Washington to protest voting rights. -
Children’s Crusade
This was an organized march to protest rights. Many children were arrested in this protest. -
MLK Speech
MLK speaks about racial equality and anti-racism in the United States. -
Voting Rights Act of 1964
This act worked to oversee voting registration for American voters. -
Civil Rights Act
This act was used to help the equality of African Americans. -
Freedom Summer
This was an effort to register African American voters. -
“Bloody Sunday”
Black citizens protest voting rights in Selma. Multiple protesters were killed and injured by the police force. -
Kerner Commision
This was a group to investigate the cause of riots and street protests. -
Black Panthers
The Black Panthers were an African American Militant group. -
Malcolm X
Malcolm X was a spokesman for the Nation of Islam. -
24th Amendment
This amendment banned poll taxes as a voting requirement, allowing black citizens to vote without having to pay. -
Affirmative Action
This was a policy to women and children that was put in place to make up for the government’s past actions.