civil rights timeline

  • Jackie Robinson enters Major League Baseball

    Jackie Robinson enters Major League Baseball
    Jackie Robinson became the first African American to join the MLB.
  • Executive Order 9981 signed by President Truman

    Executive Order 9981 signed by President Truman
    this is what desegregated the U.S.A.
  • Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court Ruling

    Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court Ruling
    the separation of black and white students was ruled unconstitutional
  • Emmett Till is murdered

    Emmett Till is murdered
    Emmett was kidnapped, beaten ,shot , and had a metal fan tied to his neck with barbed wire. He was later thrown into the Tallahatchie River
  • Rosa Parks Arrest

    Rosa Parks Arrest
    Rosa parks was arrested for refusing to give up her seat on a bus.She was later bailed out of jail by Civil Rights leader E. D. Nixon
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    this is when multiple people in America stop taking the bus to prevent the bus company from get money
  • Little Rock Nine Intervention

    Little Rock Nine Intervention
    when the president had to send military to escort black children to school
  • Civil Rights Act of 1957 is passed

    Civil Rights Act of 1957 is passed
    this was signed to protect African American citizens
  • Greensboro Sit-In Protest

    Greensboro Sit-In Protest
    the nonviolent protest for segregated lunch
  • Integration of Ole Miss Riots

    Integration of Ole Miss Riots
    University of Mississippi in Oxford where locals, students, and committed segregationists had gathered to protest the enrollment of James Meredith, a black Air Force veteran attempting to integrate the all-white school.
  • The Birmingham Children’s March

    The Birmingham Children’s March
    a march led by students. They wanted to talk to the mayor about segregation in their city
  • George Wallace’s “Stand in the Schoolhouse Door”

    George Wallace’s “Stand in the Schoolhouse Door”
    a symbolic protest by Alabama governor George Wallace against integration of Alabama public universities
  • March on Washington / I Have a Dream Speech

    March on Washington / I Have a Dream Speech
    The speech MLK gave to address the nation . This was at the Abraham monument
  • Freedom Summer

    Freedom Summer
    this was a civil rights movement to register as many African American people as possible
  • The Selma Marches / Bloody Sunday

    The Selma Marches / Bloody Sunday
    protester were brutally attacked by state troopers. This drawed the attention of the nation