cold war aritz and didac

  • Start of the cold war

    The USSR sought to spread communism throughout the world, which alarmed Americans. The possession of atomic weapons by the Americans worried the USSR; Both countries feared attack from the other. The Soviets feared that the United States would use Europe as a military base to attack the USSR
  • Stalling dead

  • Varsovian pact

  • cuba revolution

  • The fall of the Berlin wall

  • URRS targets USA with misiles

  • Comunists countries try to separate

  • Ofensive of sovietics

  • URRS won the vietnam war

  • Second cold war

  • Invasion of URRS to Afghanistan

  • Mijail becomes the presidents of URRS

  • URRS and USA desactivate the misiles

  • USA ivadet Panama

  • The desaparition of the URRS and the cold war