D-Day Timeline

  • 4 pm

  • 7 pm

  • 7 am

    The Allies deploy amphibious tanks on the beaches of Normandy to support the group troops and sweep for defensive mines.
  • 12 pm

    British prime minister Winston Churchhill informs U.K. Parliament that incision is underway and it's going well.
  • 2 pm

  • 3 pm

  • 5 pm

  • 6 pm

  • 8 pm

  • 9 pm

  • 10 pm

  • 11 pm

  • 12 am

    12 am
    Allied aircraft arrive in Normandy and begin to bomb the coastline. At the same time, personnel carriers fly inland to drop off squads of paratroopers, who attack bridges and seize several key points to cut off the Nazi supply lines.
  • 1 am

    1 am
    German navy detects Allied ships off Pas-de-Calais. The ships are part of the feint to distract from the Allies' target in Normandy.
    Allied warships drop anchor off the coast of Normandy to wait for dawn and provide cover for the landing ships
  • 2 am

    2 am
    The Allies continued to drop paratroopers into France, with more than 13,00 deployed by morning. an additional 4,000 troops fly in on gliders.
  • 3 am

    3 am
    Approximately 450 members of the 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion are among the paratrooper force
    Some of the paratroopers die in crash-landings or drawn in flooded fields.
  • 4 am

    4 am
    The Germans notice the paratrooper's invasion and begin to scramble a response, although they don't yet fully grasp the scope of the invasion. (I'm just putting random Pictures for each hour because I don't know what to do.)
  • 5 am

    5 am
    Allied battleships begin firing on the Nazi defenses while the first landing ships head ashore.
  • 6 am

    6 am
    Allied battleships stop firing as their landing boats approach the shore at 6:30 a.m., and the German forces pepper the landing boats with gunfire, killing scores of Allied troops before they can reach the beach.
  • 8 am

    American troops face heavy machine-gun fire on Omaha Beach, the most heavily fortified landing point of the invasion. Approximately 2,500 U.S. soldiers are killed on the beach in the bloodiest fight of the day.
  • 9 am

    9 am
    Eisenhower announced that the invasion had begun in a communique with soldiers.
  • 10 am

    US troops land at Omaha Beach, silencing German strongpoints, and British Commandos reach Ouistreham. Generals Marcks and Feuchtinger ordered counter-attacks with the 21st Panzer Division and direct tank movements against British forces in response.
  • 11 am

    11 am
    American troops turn the tide of battle at the Amaha landing point, with warships backing them up at sea.
  • 1 pm

    Allied forces secured key positions on Omaha and Sword beaches while facing German counterattacks and resistance. Aerial bombardment targets Caen as troops advance inland despite ongoing battles.