The Newtons 1995-2005
The Newtons 1995-2005
Poppy moves with Jen after meeting her 2 weeks earlier
Married for 20 years -
The Key West Mermaid is born
Take pics with tourists esp kids at the sunset celebration -
Jen and poppy make baby Moses
Ariel singing on stage
Mommy takes Ian and Ariel to sing with Nina at Nina’s gigs. Since the breakup their dad doesn’t take them to sing at all -
Ian and Ariel with mom
Looking for somewhere to stay -
performs each night at Mallory square
Ian and Ariel stay at Newton st and I need to find a place to stay -
Nina and Naomi rent apartment
I babysit Ian Ariel and baby Moses he calls me mom also -
Moses is born. He calls me mom. I babysit him. Jen is his mom
Poppy and Jen are not getting along -
Mom with the girls
Still taking my youngest to sing at Nina’s gigs. -
Nina and Naomi move back home to Newton st
Mom is homeless -
Nina Naomi Aaron work Sundays at sunset pier
Nina and Naomi move to New Orleans after hurricane irma
Nina has first manic breakdown and has a manic episode. Nina goes to a mental hospital 60 miles outside of New Orleans. After approaching her dad for help and getting just an angry response. I asked the coconut man to go get her -
Nina gets kicked out of dads house
Nina is walking around with wet shoes. I got her her and bring her to my friend Chappie house -
Mommy and the kids
Nina and mom rent a room at Solana village and rent a room
Mommy helps Nina and is a mermaid still -
Mommy at work as The Key West Mermaid
Mommy and Ariel 2018 at sunset celebration key west fl
Key west mermaid with Ariel Mallory square 9/2018 -
Nina gets baker acted. Having a psychotic episode
My mother is visiting -
Nina starts playing with Ross Brown, Belle, Skipper and plays solo gigs until COVID hits
Restart business and play piano for various bands around key west -
The Newtons start working together again
Andy’s cabana Goombay 2019
Kids perform at Andy’s cabana -
Covid hits march 2020
We are working at 24 north -
Nina has only one gig in 5 months
We can’t pay the rent -
Nina and mom get evicted Nina moves back to Newton st
We hav no work -
Nina meets Richard
Nina hires Charlie to sing
Rosie is born and mom becomes Grammy
Nina and Richard breakup
Nina gets evicted from Richard’s apartment -
Mommy homeschools ariel for 7th grade
Mommy homeschools ariel 7th
Mom with the girls with baby rosie
Mom goes to California to help her mother
My sisters come to get me to help our mother -
Nina 4th baker act
Nina has manic episode. The doctor keeps her for one month. Mommy is in California calling her daily. Rose is with her dad -
Nina and Naomi are working
Mommy is in California -
Nina number 53 on waitlist for gardenview restarted business with nina
Still at California we have restarted business. I am calling venues and booking gigs for Nina. The family refuses to help her without giving up half her pay. She’s stuck right now -
Mom returns from California
We ask permission from poppy to use the backyard when he’s at work he says yes. 6 weeks later he can’t remember -
Grammy and Rosie
Ariel starts playing bass on stage
Arielplays her first gig with The Nina Newton band -
Ariel plays bass guitar at the Docks with Nina
We hire Ariel every once in awhile during school. -
Ninas number comes up for a gardenview apartment lease but unable to move there because poppy leaves town suddenly
Nina’s number comes up and she rents a place at gardenview apartments however because her dad left town we were unable to turn on the utilities because we had to pay rent at his house. -
Poppy leaves town and the washer is broken
Poppy moves to Gulfport. -
Poppy moves to st Pete and mommy stays at Newton st
We had been there in back since I got back from California with his permission but now he can’t remember -
The Docks on stock
Ian and Ariel want us to save Newton st cz poppy left -
Newtons band gets gigs with Ariel on bass and Ian on drums
We get work and we are able yo pay the rent -
The Newton Sisters at Blue Heaven restaurant
The girls perform at blue heaven testaurant -
The newtons performing at Kaya island eats
Th kids pay the rent and mom is cleaning and cooking
The newtons get hired at Kiki’s sand bar mommy is babysitting -
Poppy releases his music
Where is poppy -
Ian and Ariel have bandcamp for 2 weeks before school starts
Where is poppy we need supplies for them -
Poppy at Gulfport Florida
The kids pay the rent
Where is poppy. He’s not sending any money or anything -
Poppy not helping with Ian and ariel
Ian and Ariel return to school with old shoes and old backpacks -
Poppy is mia. No money for school stuff
Where is poppy -
Poppy at Gulfport never sends money
We hav to help find him gigs at Gulfport. He’s broke -
Mommy and Grammy buy a new washer/dryer for Newton st
We buy a new washer/dryer for Newton st at Home Depot while poppy moved to Gulfport -
Poppy returns and tries to kick out mom
When toko returns from st Pete he demands I leave instantly. The police are called several times. -
Virgilio’s gig Nina Newton band
Gig at Virgilio’s with Ariel and Ian and Naomi. Aaron stopped by after his gig -
Ian in marching band
Ariel in marching band
9th grade -
Poppy demands mom to go but mom is cleaning and taking care of the kids already since 3 months
Nina starting to behave manic -
Ian Ariel Rosie
Nina goes to Depoo for one week
The stress is too high -
Grammy teaching Rosie to play ukulele
Finally we can move to gardenview apartments
We hav the apartment now mommy and Nina can finally can turn on th utilities -
We find out poppy is behind in payments for London trip
Poppy is not paying installments -
Nina and mommy pays 1,000$ so Ian and Ariel can go to London
New Years Day parade in London 2024 kwhs
Ian and Ariel are in London thanks to us me and Nina making the payments and making sure they hav everything. They had to Uber the day they left to get to the high school cz their dad was out of town again -
Ian and Ariel go to london
Ian and Ariel go to London January 2024. We had to pay the 900$ payment and help them go to London. -
Ian and Ariel are part of the track team need track shoes
Need track shoes -
Ian pole vaulting
Ian got 10th place at state finals 11th grade year. This year our goal is top 3 in the state -
Ariel pole vaulting
Ariel pole vaulting -
Mommy and Nina back to Newton st gardenview bills are too high
Nina and me did not renew the lease at gardenview. She spoke to her dad and he agreed to let us stay there until we figure out what to do. My friend is giving me his boat in november -
Mommy stays in back poppy stays in front of house
Babysitting rosie poppy at work
Ian cooking. Girls rehearsing -
Rosie at the beach with Ace
Poppy takes Rose to beach
Veronica tells jasmine from dcf not to come
Jasmine overhears they hav no beds -
Poppy wants to call dcf but Veronica says no
Poppy takes Ian to airport moves to st Pete leaves us with his bills
Ian goes to Boston poppy gives him a minus debit card
Ian’s dad takes him to the airport and does not come back -
Ian is on the plane. Poppy is lost at airport parking lot
Poppy phone about to die and has been walking around parking lot for hours -
Toko does not return from the airport
After dropping off Ian to the airport for his trip to Boston he doesn’t return after a few days we found out he flew to st Pete -
Mommy and Nina take responsibility of Ian in Boston
Ian is in Boston looking for food
Poppy stop work but Ian needed money
Ian needs money in Boston
We found out Ian’s debit card that he went to Boston with is minus 150$. We hav to send Ian money to fix the bank account and add money so he can get access to money -
Aaron finally tells us poppy flew to st pete
Ian in Boston looking for a western union
Ariel’s room is being used for storage
Cleaning Ariel’s room
Poppy quit all his jobs and making video in st Pete
Rosie’s 3rd birthday
Ian needs money again in boston
Ian got a scholarship but still needs money at school -
Ariel needs bandcamp hat and clothes and stuff
Poppy is up at st Pete. Moses mom sends money for Ariel’s bandcamp -
Ariel bandcamp 2 weeks before school starts
Ariel has bandcamp for 2 weeks. We hav to make sure she has everything she needs for bandcamp -
Nina and Aaron pay August rent
Poppy is out of town
School is about to start Ariel is at bandcamp. Haven’t heard from poppy. Had to ask my mother to send money for school stuff -
Poppy returns with Moses and Aaron on the ferry
Ariel room is clean
Nina starts acting weird too much stress
Nina starts degrading and acting manic which is very suttle no one believes me. She starts calling me Diana -
Had to ask Aaron for 120$ for Ian’s bags after buying new ticket
Ian needs a new airline ticket
Ian refuse to leave Boston so Nina and me had to buy him a new airplane ticket -
My mother sends Ian and Ariel back to school money
Nana sends Ian and Ariel 400$ each for back to school stuff -
My mother sends Ian 50$
On the way to the airport nana sends Ian money he’s on his way back to key west -
Poppy picks up Ian from the airport at Ft. Lauderdale
Poppy decided to drive and pick up Ian and drop him to key west and immediately return to st Pete with Moses -
Poppy drops off Moses and goes to work and then Naomi has to feed him
Poppy goes to work we haven’t had any money for grocery store -
Text my mother about Ariel’s room
Cleaning Ariel’s room and I text my mother that no one has been sleeping in her room for over a year -
Poppy leaves again. kids needs school stuff
Poppy tells his gf that he has to go to st Pete to protect Moses mother cz her bf just got out of jail -
Poppy curse out Nina now she’s acting manic
Nina starts acting manic -
Poppy returns to st Pete with Aaron and Moses
Babysitting Rosie at Newton st
My mother is sending money and helping with my missing phone -
Poppy tryna be a star
Where is poppy -
Poppy is in st pete
Poppy is not sending money for food or bills -
Nina is having a panic attack things are stressful
Nina is manic and still working
It’s Saturday and the kids had a game the night before Nina is having a manic episode -
Nina gets baker acted
Ian and Ariel hav no ride to school where is poppy -
Drop off food to Nina at dapoo all week
My mother pays to turn electric back on 344$ Nina is in dapoo hospital
I had to ask my mother to help me with getting the electricity turned back on. A locksmith had to come to open Nina’s vehicle -
Poppy is still out of town
Call locksmith to open Nina car. Babysitting rose 4 days a week
Nina debit card is disabled
Hav to call bank to fix debit card -
Poppy is at Gulfport florida at gecko fest.
Nina released from dapoo
Nina gets released from dapoo. -
Poppy and Aaron at gulfport
We are about to get evicted. Nina gets released from dapoo hospital today -
Poppy calls Ariel and tells her if I leave he will get his baby mama to pay rent
Nina calls the landlord to stop eviction
Nina speaks to the landlord and he stops the eviction process -
Poppy asks Ian and Ariel to move to st Pete
They say no. Then he decides to pay the landlord -
Poppy is at gulfport
Poppy returns from st Pete to pay landlord
Borrows money from next door neighbor -
Poppy and Aaron return and
Poppy returned and is throwing away dishes
He destroyed the mobile closets out back making the laundry in back get disorganized. Hurricane is coming I bring the clothes and laundry ti Ariel’s room -
Rosie eats Jamaican food
Poppy and Veronica are in th living room being mean
I’m babysitting rose Veronica is harassing me
Poppy throwing fits. Veronica is intimidating us
Veronica hisses at me
Veronica is scaring Rosie -
Veronica lies to the kids
Says she’s paid the rent and she’s taking over the house -
More crazy signs around the yard
Their dad Melvin got back on the 14th of September and is putting crazy signs all over the yard. After leaving his son with us to feed him and take care of him while he was gone -
Poppy goes mad this is ridiculous
Their dad returns from st Pete and is very rude and ungrateful for everything me and my daughter have been doing since he’s been gone esp leaving his son Moses in our care -
Poppy throwing things destroying everything in house
Poppy is demanding I leave
Poppy and Veronica tell me to leave and they lie and say they called the police. -
Poppy goes to jail for hitting mom
Toko returns from st Pete 2 days before and just starts wreaking havoc in the house with Veronica Stanford bullying me to leave the house immediately -
Nina buys Ian and Ariel’s favorite dinner
Miso happy. Ian and Ariel’s favorite -
Ian and Ariel are upset that poppy got arrested
They don’t care about what happened. They want me to leave but I explain that I’m waiting for the boat. I will get it in November -
Ian and Ariel tell me to leave so poppy will start buying food again
Poppy leaves town Veronica bails him out
Mom goes to get a restraining order on poppy
Poppy travels to Georgia with reggae lou
Performs at Bob Marley festival -
My mother sends Ariel 50$ we don’t kno when poppy is coming back
My mother sends Nina 50$
For good for Ian and ariel -
Nina calls poppy in st pete
Nina pays to turn on electricity 526$
The electricity got cut again and toko asked her to pay the bill -
Helene waves are big Ian went surfing
Cleaning all day -
Hurricane helene sanctuary. Jen Moses her bf Veronica Tyreek Aaron
Jen, Moses, her bf, Veronica, Tyreek, Aaron, and poppy all show up at the house for the hurricane Helene and dog cupcake -
Mommy is making breakfast. Moses ate 2 waffles
Poppy goes goes to court for battery charge
Leaves the next day with Aaron -
Mommy goes to court for restraining order
Went to speak to the judge about the restraining order. Poppy did not show up -
Babysitting Rose and walk to social security building to replace Ian’s ss card
Their dad posts a notice to vacate sign on th front door
Notice is signed by lawyer -
Rosie at the park
Taking Rosie to th park to have fun with mom and grammy -
Poppy not in town
Ian and Ariel band fieldtrip
They hav a competition in Pembroke Pines they got back at 2:30am -
Ian and Ariel have a competition at Pembroke Pines
Ariel’s 16th birthday
Ariel’s birthday -
Veronica shows up and is rude to nina
Poppy sends Veronica to talk to Scott about work. He gets offended he says.. I’m so tired of this family! Embarrassing ugh -
Hurricane Milton
Jen shows up with a guy
Jen shows up cz hurricane milton -
Poppy violating restraining order police don’t care
Grammy babysitting Rose
Bangkok Happy Bowl gig making videos
Making a video at Bangkok happy bowl.. -
Ian has a gig at the lil jazz room
Ian calls he’s hungry and needs a ride to the gig -
Poppy calls police again
Ian at the lil jazz room
Ian has a gig with Joe dallas -
Police are called twice today. Jen’s bf harassing me
Moses called me a bitch so I put his ps4 away and put the tv in th closet. I have been taking care of this boy. Where has his mom been? -
Naomi gets arrested for battery
Naomi gets assaulted by her siblings
Naomi gets a battery charge -
Poppy calls police and violates restraining order but I thought it was off
I didn’t know the restraining order was valid -
Mommy and Nina bail out Naomi
We pay the bond 500$ to get Naomi out of jail -
Everyone hungry no grownups home
Texting my mother about the day -
Nina buys dinner for Ian and Ariel again
Veronica cooked and never cleaned up after herself -
Nina bought Ian and Ariel dinner
Miso happy -
Poppy throws my table outside
My stainless steel table to the left and the table barely seen on the right were removed and the door to Ariel’s room removed. -
Ariels room diatomaceous earth and yoga mats
She took apart her bedframe and threw out the bed and her dad never replaced her bed yet. It was old. -
Ian kicks door in half telling me to leave
Ian kicked down the door and half was hanging I taped it back together. -
Poppy is making videos and not taking care of Ian and Ariel
Poppy should appreciate the fact that I’m there when he’s not. I work for free. He throws away anything I try to bring to improve the house -
My table is thrown outside
I organized the kitchen with a beautiful stainless table someone gave me and he broke the leg off after I put the table back in the kitchen -
Babysitting Rosie at Newton st
Living room looking towards Newton st -
Bangkok happy bowl
Nina and Naomi perform each Sunday on duval st -
Mom catches child neglect charge
Police knock looking for poppy. They ask to look in his room. I say it’s ok. Ian and Ariel did not go to school and they had told me they did not need my help. They r mad poppy got srrested -
Ariel’s says don’t bail out mom
Her dad tells her that I’m bad cz I can’t make it alone. I tell her I’m helping Nina with rose. She doesn’t listen -
Ariel saying not bail me out
Newton sisters at captain tonys
Girls at captain Tony’s