E3 CW The Global War, 1955–1963

  • a- bomb 1945

    Almogordo- new mexico 16/7/1945
    22 kilotons,used in august on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, fat man and little boy
  • stratgic air command head general gen curtis le may

    made from 1948-57
    'old iron pants'
    primary defence system for us
  • ussr A-bomb

    yield of 22 kilotons
    copy of Fatman
  • lockheed u-2 spy planes

    u-2 spy plane unauthorised reconnaissance flights
    b-29 bmbrs used before
    used lockheed u-2, range of 2600 miles, fly 75,000 feet out of range and rador.
  • usa hydro bomb pacific ocean

    ivy mike its yield was 10 megatons
  • 300,000 ppl move out gdr

    brain drain
  • ussr hydro bomb

    400 kilotons, not true multi-stage bomb
  • Lithium H-bombs usa

    developed by usa
    1500 x more powerful than a-bomb
  • Austrian state treaty 1955 may

    austr- split in 2 zones begining
    allowed to rejoin- has to stay neutral no comm nor cap
    shows peaceful co-op of allies
    only molotv diagreed, said they were comfortble there
  • ussr hydro boms

    100x more powerful than 1st attempt
  • geneva summit

    free elect germ,
    open skies proposal
    ussr didn't have tech- thrtnd by usa
    eisenhower propose- krsch rjct
    have mb of opposit on nuke crew
  • first true hydro bomb

    ussr tested first true hydro bomb- only yield of 1.6 megatone
  • hungary- ussr troop removal 28oct

    krschv remove troops on 28 oct
    1 nov nagy said hungry remove from warsaw pact
    3rd nov- hungry circled by sov tanks and 15 divisions of red army. 4000 tanks
    janos kadar- new govrnm- hard commie, loyal to moscow
    4000 citizens dead
    200,000 self imposed exile
  • 20th congress comm party feb 1956

    krsch abandon stalinist/ marxist/lennist view that war innevitable
    comm so strong win without
    strnghtn nuke capabilt
    be unchallenged ldr of comm sphere
    spend on military serv reduce- focus on domestic reforms
  • Poland uprising

    june-october, 1956 uprising in poland
    ppl demand more rights and freedom
    strikes on 28 june
    oct 1956 wladyslaw gomulka- head of comm elected- threatened by krschv
    told can stay as deputy minister so long as doesnt leave warsaw pact and doesnt intro reforms
    backed by pols and china, kept pol way to socialism not ussr way
    sov tanks left peacefully
  • Hungary uprising oct-nov

    burned holes through flags
    inspired by pols
    22 oct student protest- 16 demands, appointment of imre nagy as PM, withdrawl of sov troops, free speech and press and more than 1 party for elections
    next day revolt. Nagy immediately made PM 24 oct
    told anastas nikoyan -ussr delegate, interv not necessary.
    was fine but then on 1 nov told the ussr that they were leaving the warsaw pact and so 4500 sov tanks surround budapest , nagy removed and janos kadar put as new pm
  • gdr more exodus 150,000

  • cuban revolution

    fiedel and raul castro come back, with 79 supporters, 'los barbudos', and ernesto de guevara- argentine revolutionary
    overthrow gov, turn commie in ltr yrs, 1959
    usa strssd- own backyard, cuba constitution give usa access to bases- guatanamo bay
    remove batistas regime- washington not too occupy- eisenhwr not alot of sprt for dictators
  • kruschev speech 25 feb 1956

    25 Feb 1956- criticised Stalin not in spirit of Marxism to turn a single person into God.
    followed by uprisings
  • Gaither report nov 1957

    check up on nuke capab of sovs
    common belief sovs catching up
    eisenhwr want to reassure ppl
    gaps found, ussr-us missile esp for icbms 100-30 ussr-us
  • ICBM ussr

    inter continental ballistic missile
  • ussr dlvr nuke missile for warheads

  • Sputnik 1 oct 1957

    laika dog sent to orbit earth for 10 days
    usa huge fear, thought ussr could launch nukes from space- couldnt.
  • bermuda conf dec 1957

    eisnhwr station some nukes in brit and some in nato 1957 dec
  • icbm r-7 semyorka

    launched by ussr
    could travel 8800 km to deliver nukes
  • usa flopnik 6 dec1957

    $1bill given sep 1958 to area of tech dvlpm
    us navy rckt vanguard crash- flopnik
  • NASA

    national aeronautics and space administration
    space all important to us security
  • us success satelite

    1958 jan
  • fifteeenth plenum

    vwp central commitee plan to reunify vietnam
    declare war on south, use military power to remove diems regime
    north support anti-diem grps in south
  • 6 month ultimatum

    27 nov 1958- krsch, tell usa to remove west from frg or ussr to make pact with gdr that would threaten usa, west passage to berlin
    all sov rights to be transfrd to gdr- force west to ackn gdr- kill hallestein doctrine
  • camp david talks

    1st sov to meet with usa at talks, krsch and eisenhower
    unsuccessful- talk about ger and demilitaris
    worsnd relat with china
    led to paris summit
  • slbms

    submarine launched ballistic missile
    polaris, thor, the minuteman- icbms
  • sov icbsms by 1959

    only 10 ss-6 icmbs deployed
    esienhwr trust u-2spy plane evd not gaither report
  • Ussr strength to strenght program

    sergei p korchev led program, oct 1959 1st satellite successfully orbit moon launched
    yuri gagarin- 1st nov cosmonaut- hero
  • satellite to orbit moon luna III

    ussr -
  • batista regime collapse

    in cuba- overthrown by commies, castro in pwr
    seize american land and money, agrarian reform
  • paris summmit 1960 may

    krsch deal on ger
    ban nukes in ger and pacific. fail china not bounf by agrmnt
    summit collapsd- u-2 spy plane shot down- shows spyng on ussr- pilot gary powers
  • satellite photo usa

    discov better than plane- can take photos from up in space
    more knowledge from one capsule than 4yrs with plane
  • anastas mikoyan and castro deal

    arranged $100 mill credit with castro- cuba, ussr satellite state- usa fears.
    1st shpmnt crude oil, april 1960s
    usa refuse refine it, castro nationalise companies
    usa reduce cuban sugar imports by 95% and other sanctions so castro seize $1bill worth us assets-0ct 1960
  • NLF dec 1960

    national liberation front
    anti-diem league in sth bckd by north
    ldr- nguyen huu tho- but spiritual ldr ho chi minh
    nlf manifesto- 10 point program
  • operation kick start

    in carribean
    ussr defnce minister, if usa determnd attack, cuba last no more than one week.
    rodion malinovsky
  • gdr citizns flee

    10,000 move out first half of 1961
  • usa remove castro regime decide

    bay of pigs, jfk inherited it
    1500 exiles, military coup, land bay of pigs
    huge embarassmnt for kndy administr
  • kndy counter insurgncy

    nov 1961-- sent general taylor and head of state planning departement policy commitee, walt roscow to viet to asses situation
    report- send 10,000 ground troops
  • kndy announc usa man on moon

    usa would be the first country to put a man on the moon
  • berlin wall built start

    build wall begins 1st wire than concrete
    4 crossing points
  • ussr detonate h-bomb of 50megatons

    Tsar bomb
  • mongoose op 30 nov 1961

    remove castro, usa plot
    overthrow from within
    general edward lansdale lead oper
  • oper anadyr

    krsch send nukes to cuba- hope to deter usa interv and further plans
    send econ, military and politic aid- cuba, fightr planes, bmbrs, 14,000 grnd troops
    1100 and 2800 kilomtrs missiles
    bridge gap in nuke capablt
    13 day missile crisis
  • usa space caught up by 1962

    had 63 succesfl mission
    ussr only 15
  • strategic hamlet programme

    1962 march, move the ppl of sth viet into hamlets
    operation sunrise- seperate vietcong from peasants- alienated ppl more and made them turn to vietcong
    over 3000 hmlts and 4mill ppl lvng in them
  • usa find out nukes cuba

    13 day crisis
    u2 spy plane 14 oct find out
    evid of r-12 missiles at san cristobal
  • kndy national advisry board EXComm

    executive committe of national security, doves-diplomtc solut and hawks-militry actn, 16 oct
    spk of options and consqns
  • ship blockade cuba

    sov ships reach quarantine, ussr angry, act of agrsn
    stpd dead in water
    had to reverse course
  • krsch tlgrm to kndy 26oct 1961

    say ussr will remove nukes so long as us non-invasion pledge
    castro paranoid- betrayeed, usa invasion imminent, shot down a plane- pilot rudolf anderson
    usa retalliate shoot down sov s-75 plane
  • kndy response to krschv

    krschv sent him second one that usa to remove nuke from turkey,
    kndy only respond to 1st one but would remove nuke from turkey after just didnt want to seem weak
    krschv agree remove missile- 28 oct 1962
  • Buddhist crisis 1963

    diem- catholic
    bro- repressd bdhists
    didn't let them celebr buddhas bday but encourg catholics to celebr and fly flags for thuc
    crisis in hue may 1963- ldr tri quang of budhist
    9ppl killed melee- protests spread
    hungr strikes
    buddhist set hmslf on fire saigon
  • moscow test ban treaty oct 1963

    ban test of nukes in atmosphere
  • hotline

    direct call available 24/7 in case of emergency- more symbolic, access one to one
  • replacement for diem

    rodger hilsman, head of state department for eastern bureau sent letter to henry cabot lodge, us ambassador sth viet to asses situation and find replacement of diem
    he said conflt reslv with diem as head
  • diem and bro assntd

    nov 2 1963