First Computers used in Schools
At the University of Illinois, Donald Bitier began PLATO, the first, large-scale project for the use of computers in education. -
First Cell Phone Developed
Invention of Smartboards
In 1991, Smart Technologies unveiled the first commercially available smartboard, known as the Smartboard Interactive Whiteboard. Source: https://www.techwalla.com/articles/what-is-the-history-of-the-smart-board -
World Wide Web
The World Wide Web was opened for public use in 1993. -
Wifi is Invented
First Smart Phone
Motorola Sidekick and Nokia Blackberry allowed users to use web based services on their mobile devices. Source: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z62gjfr -
Facebook is invented
Youtube debuts
Twitter is invented
Invention of Clear Touch Panel
Displaying and interacting media with students became alot easier. Source: https://www.getcleartouch.com/about-clear-touch-interactive/ -
Short Form or Video Clips become popular
Vine Short-Form Video Trends paved the way for TikTok’s dominance in short-form video. Source: chatgpt.com -
Google Classroom is released
Chromebooks for use in the classroom
Affordable, cloud-based laptops became the top choice for schools. -
Transition to Fully Virtual Teaching
No Phone Policy updated for USD 259
"While in the school building, students may use Personal Electronic Devices before and after school, during passing periods, and at lunch. At all other times, these devices may not be used unless permission is granted by an administrator." Source: https://www.usd259.org/about-wps/board-of-education/boe-policies/boe-policy-details/~board/7-boe-policies/post/p1464-student-behavior-regulations -
Virtual Classroom
By 2030, I project online schools will have options for virtual lessons using Virtual Reality.