First Special Education School
Thomas Gallaudet was the co- founder of the first American school for the deaf. The school was located in Hartford, Connecticut. On April 15, 1817, the school opened and 7 students were enrolled. -
Perkins School for the Blind
Dr. John Fisher and Dr. Samuel Howe were the founders of the first school for the blind in America. The school was located in Massachusetts and is considered the oldest school for the blind in the United States. Both of the founders worked hard to create a pathway and a opportunity for those who are blind. -
Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)
The Council for Exceptional Children is an organization built by a group of educators. This organization was made to improve the educational success rate of those with disabilities or gifts. Today, this organization is one of the largest international organizations devoted to improve educational needs of Exceptional Children. https://exceptionalchildren.org/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiAyoi8BhDvARIsAO_CDsAUvi66EfmbD7JYV23KT8ItVGWH5HTa3Wkr1f2zDzJ3MwnXdr6KBN4aAq-xEALw_wcB -
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act is a law that provides federal funding to schools. They help individuals in low-income families by providing education programs. In addition, to making way to have free or reduced lunches given to students who need additional support. -
Rehabilitation Act
The Rehabilitation Act is a law to protect the rights of disable individuals. This law prohibited discrimination against the disabled. So, they can be able to find employment without problem and participate in programs available to all people. -
Educational Amendments Act
The Educational Amendment Act is a law that granted equal opportunities in the education system. This law also granted federal funds to schools for educating and programming exceptional learners. They also provided funding to programs for gifted and talented learners. -
Education of the Handicapped Act
This law was put into place to establish early intervention programs for children with a disabilities between the ages of birth and two years. The law also obligated states to provide and extend free education for children with disabilities between the ages of 3-5 years old. In all, it extended services for exceptional students. -
Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA)
This law implied that disabled students are only to be removed from regular classrooms if they academic goals can't be met which is called the mainstreaming law. In this law all public schools that receive federal funding must give exceptional students free appropriate public education also known as (F.A.P.E). Exceptional students also get free lunch and their families are entitled to due process under the law.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Xtvxn9myus&list=TLPQMTEwMTIwMjXchoX97ALyKQ&index=87 -
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
The Americans with Disabilities Act is a civil rights law that forbids discrimination against those with a disabilities. This includes transportation, employment and public life. Some examples of disabilities covered by the act are cancer, autism, deafness, blindness and disorders. https://www.ada.gov/ -
No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)
The ''No child Left Behind Act'' was made to improve student outcomes. This law required schools to establish guidelines and academic standards for there students to meet. It made schools keep track on how their students are doing and held schools accountable for how their students are learning. Also, students with disabilities are required the same assessments as other students and are often put in the same room. This example is very much related to what mainstreaming is.