Imagen 2023 11 09 190718257


  • Period: 1453 to

    Antiguo Régimen

    El antiguo régimen era el sistema político económico y social utilizado antes de la revolución francesa.
  • Period: to

    La ilustracion

    Fue un movimiento intelectual que buscaba usar la razón para cambiar la política, economía y sociedad del antiguo régimen.
  • Montesquieu

    Montesquieu was a writter and a phylosopher born in france in the 18 century, he defend the separation of powers to have a more equal society, he wrote the Espirits of laws.
  • Voltaire

    He was a phylosopher born in france in the 18 century, he defend the civil liberties and the separation of the church an the state.
  • Rousseau

    Was a Writter and an Phylosopher y the 18 century on France, he defend the rights of humans an the equality in society, he wrote the Social Contract
  • Adam Smith

    Adam Smith
    He was an economist of the Enligthmen in the 18 century, he was known like the Father Of Economys, he wrote the Wealth Of Nations
  • 1 enciclopedia

    1 enciclopedia
    Primera enciclopedia creada por Diderot y D'Alembert
  • Period: to

    1 revolución industrial

    La Revolución Industrial o Primera Revolución Industrial es el proceso de transformación económica, social y tecnológica que se inició en la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII en el Reino de Gran Bretaña
  • Period: to

    Revolución Americana

    La colonias de Inglaterra se independizaron
  • Period: to

    Revolución Francesa

    Fue un movimiento para eliminar el Antiguo Régimen
  • La toma de la bastilla

    La toma de la bastilla
    La toma de la Bastilla se produjo en París el martes 14 de julio de 1789 Iniciando así la revolución francesa
  • Louis XVI

    Louis XVI
    He was king of france, his monarchy was overthrow during french revolution, he supported the colonist in the american war of independence, he was executed at hte gillotine om 1793
  • Robespierre

    He was french lawyer and politism how become the leader of jacobins in the french revolution, he become dictator during the Reign of terror. this event made robespierre very unpopular, he got gillotinate
  • Golpe de estado de Brumario

    Golpe de estado de Brumario
    Napoleón da un golpe de estado y se covierte en cónsul vitalicio.
  • George Washington

    George Washington
    He was the 1 president of the USA, he was the military leader during the American Revolution, he lead the USA to the victory
  • Period: to

    Guerras Napoleonicas

    Conjunto de conflictos sucedidos en Europa, fueron guerras entre el Imperio Francés dirigido por Napoleón Bonaparte
  • Napoleon Bonaparte

    Napoleon Bonaparte
    He was a military political leader, he ruled france from 1799 and he become emperor in 1804, he defend some liberal ideas, he controled all the powers of france, he later create the napoleonic empire.
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson
    He was the 3 president of USA, he was the main author of the Declaration of Independence, hes considered one of the american founding fathers
  • Period: to

    Unificación italiana

    La Unificación italiana fue un proceso que tuvo lugar en la península Itálica que terminó con la unificación de los estados Italianos
  • George Stephenson

    George Stephenson
    English inventor, he created the first railway line
  • Pierre Joseph Proudhon

    Pierre Joseph Proudhon
    French anarchist,One of the fathers of anarchist movement . He said that the society didn´t have to be governed by states
  • Abraham Lincon

    Abraham Lincon
    He was the 16 president of USA, he defends the rights of the slaves and preserverd the union in the American Civil War.
  • Period: to

    2 Revolución Industrial

    Segunda parte del desarrollo tecnológico y económico. Esta fase se produce principalmente en Reino Unido, Alemania y Estados Unidos
  • Mijaíl Bakunin

    Mijaíl Bakunin
    Russian anarchist, one of the fathers of the anarchism.
  • Karl Marx

    Karl Marx
    German philosopher,he is one of the fathers of comunisim ,he wrote comunist manifesto with Friedrich Engels
  • Friedrich Engels

    Friedrich Engels
    German philosopher,one of the fathers of communism
  • Thomas Alva Edison

    Thomas Alva Edison
    American buisnnessman and inventor.He lead more tan 1000 patents for his inventions,.This inventions take place in the second industrial revolution