Evolution of plants

  • 22 BCE

    water cycle

    with plants producing air into the atmosphere it also helps regulate to water cycle
  • 21 BCE


    keeps air fresh
  • 20 BCE


    they convert carbon dioxide into air for us to breath
  • 19 BCE

    bring more rain

    brings a higher chance of rain so it can continue to help the environment
  • 18 BCE

    cool the earth

    provides the earth with a cool environment
  • 17 BCE

    keeps soil fertile

    keeps soil fertile for life
  • 16 BCE

    Soil protection

  • 15 BCE

    kills other species

    kills other species so it can continue
  • 14 BCE


    spreads disease to other living organisms
  • 13 BCE

    Plants take over land

    all land is covered
  • 12 BCE

    all different types of plants separate

    all different types of plants separate like vascular and nonvascular
  • 11 BCE

    food breaks free

    food breaks free and spread more plants for them to grow from
  • 10 BCE

    continues to grow into forests

    200 million years ago
  • 9 BCE

    moss starts to grow

    400 million years ago
  • 7 BCE

    start of plant life