Food development

  • Crisco

    Crisco was first ever shorting made entirely of vegetable oil. It was marketed as a more economical alternative to butter. Crisco's marketers said processed food were better for you than natural.
  • Period: to

    Food timeline

  • fast food

    fast food
    Mcdonalds revolutionized the food industry by becoming one of the first fast food companies. Thier were the first fast food companies to include nutrition facts on its packaging. It became one of the first drive through restaurants.
  • Processed Foods

    Processed Foods
    Processed foods helped make ready meals and snacks. It helped clean the harmful bacteria out of milk. It helped preserve foods.
  • Organic farming

    Organic farming
    Organic farming really came around in 1970s. It used fewer pesticides. While also reducing greenhouse gases.
  • Gluten Free

    Gluten Free
    Gluten free food helped people with medical issues like people with celiac disease. It gained popularity in the early 2000's. It is now one of the biggest diets in the United States.