Palace of Versailles built
The palace was built in 1631. Louis XIII built a hunting lodge at Versailles in 1623. His successor, Louis XIV, expanded the château into a palace that went through several expansions in phases from 1661 to 1715. -
When King Louis moved the capital of France from Paris to Versailles
He wanted to make the biggest possible statement and what he ended up with was Versailles: a palace designed to glorify the French monarch by incorporating both ornate Baroque decoration that amply demonstrates his wealth and glory and the stricter rules of classicism that express his intellectual and cultural stature. -
When King Louis XVI married Marie Antoinette
Her marriage with the future Louis XVI, celebrated in the Royal Chapel at Versailles on 16 May 1770, was partly the work of the Duke de Choiseul, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and one of the principal architects of the reconciliation between France and Austria. -
King Louis XIV is Executed
The short length of time in which he appeared on the scaffold, and the interval of the fatal blow, no more than two minutes elapsed! Instantly the executioner lifted his head, and, amidst the flourish of trumpets, exclaimed, “Thus dies a traitor!” Some of the guards pushed forward to the scaffold, to see the royal corpse streaming with blood: they brandished their swords and vociferated – “God save the Republic! God save the nation!” -
The Reign Of Terror
The Reign of Terror, or simply the Terror (la Terreur), was a climactic period of state-sanctioned violence during the French Revolution (1789-99), which saw the public executions and mass killings of thousands of counter-revolutionary 'suspects' between September 1793 and July 1794.