History- Germany 1890-1945

  • Germany

    There was not a country called Germany until 1871. Before 1871, there was a series of different Germanic states. Prussia was the most powerful of these Germanic states. The new country of Germany was created in 1871 and was led by the Kaiser.
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    Naval Laws

    Kaiser Wilhelm II expanded the navy with a series of naval laws introduced between 1898 and 1912, helping the navy rapidly increase in size, and huge sums of money was spent to achieve this.
  • Industrialisation

    It is shown that Industrialisation was a success by 1913 in Germany as they were producing more iron and steel, and as much coal as Britain; and in industries such as electrical goods and chemicals, German companies dominated Europe.
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    The First World War

    WWI started after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. His murder catapulted into a war across Europe. It was Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire against Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Romania, Canada, Japan and the United States. Due to new military technologies and the horrors of trench warfare, WWI saw unprecedented levels of carnage and destruction. After the Allied Powers had won, more than 16 million people soldiers and civilians alike were dead.
  • USA Entering WWI

    The USA entered the war on the side of the Allies in 1917. As a result of this, there were large numbers of fresh American troops fighting on the Allied side. Meanwhile, German troops were already exhausted after several years of fighting. Over 1 million German soldiers had already been killed. During the summer of 1918, the Allied troops ended up beating the Germans into retreat and Germany itself looked in danger of being invaded.
  • The Russian Armistice

    In early December 1917, the Russians had made peace with Germany and stopped fighting on the Eastern Front. This is because the Russian government had been overthrown during the Bolshevik Revolution and the new Bolshevik government in Russia did not want to keep fighting in WWI. The German troops that had been fighting Russia on the Eastern Front could now be moved to the Western Front to fight France and Britain- more troops fighting France and Britain.
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    Events Leading to the Kaiser's Abdication

    On the 28th October, ships refused to follow orders to attack British ships, because they no longer wanted to fight. The news of the mutiny began to spread. Sailors in nearby ports began to not follow orders. Workers in nearby towns supported them. Soldiers sent to deal with protests but they joined in. Took over towns and set up special councils to run them. In 6 days they were governing cities all over Germany. Country in chaos, Kaiser had no control. The Kaiser was forced to abdicate.
  • Armistice

    A new government was set up by Ebert of the SPD as they were the largest party at the time in Germany. The new government ended the war on 11/11/1918, but this was unpopular with many German people. This created instability in Germany.
  • Election

    In late January 1919, Ebert held an election so the Germans could choose a new government. Ebert's party, the SPD, won the most votes and Ebert became the new German president.
  • Paris Peace Talks

    Then, between January and May 1919, the Allies- France, Great Britain and the USA- met in Versailles, just outside of Paris to write the peace treaty. This treaty became known as the Treaty of Versailles. President Wilson put forward his Fourteen Point Plan as a possible basis for the Treaty of Versailles.
  • Hitler and the Nazis

    The original name of the Nazi party was the German Workers' party and Hitler joined after May 1919. Hitler liked what was being said about how the Treaty of Versailles made Germany weak and defenceless and how the country would become a powerful nation once more. As he was an ex soldier in WWI, this appealed to him
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    Years of Crisis for the Weimar Republic

    Between 1919 and 1923, the Weimar Republic faced a series of political and economic crisis.
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    The Spartacist Revolt

    On the 6th January 1919, the Spartacists tried to take over Berlin. Thousands of them roamed the streets with guns and trying to take over important buildings. Ebert sent 2000 of the Freikorps- ex soldiers to attack the Spartacists. After 3 days of brutal street fighting, the Freikorps recaptured buildings and arrested Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht, the Spartacist leaders. After beating them savagely, the Freikorps murdered them - the Spartacus League's revolt was over.
  • Weimar Constitution

    On 11th February 1919, Ebert and the newly elected politicians met in the town of Weimar to write the constitution for Germany, which would explain how the government would run Germany. This became known as the Weimar Constitution and the government became known as the Weimar Republic.
  • Germany and the Treaty of Versailles

    Germany was not allowed to part in the peace conference and was not even told anything about the talks which took place. As a result, the Germans continued to believe that the Treaty would be based on Wilson's 14 Point Plan. The Germans only realised that the Treaty was not based on the 14 Point Plan when the Treaty was shown to the German government on 7th May 1919. The Treaty was much harsher than the Germans expected and they called it a diktat (a dictated peace).
  • The Red Rising in the Ruhr-

    In March 1920, the Red Rising in the Ruhr was carried out by left-wing workers who aimed to improve worker's rights and have a left wing, e.g. communist government where everyone is equal. The left wing workers in the Ruhr stayed on strike, rose up and took over several towns. The Weimar Republic overcame the Red Rising in the Ruhr by sending soldiers and some Freikorps units to deal with the rebellion. Over 1000 workers were killed
  • The Kapp Putsch

    Led by Wolfgang Kapp in March 1920. Aimed to take over the country, make the army strong again and recover the lands lost in the ToV. Kapp gathered 5000 men (the Freikorps) mainly police and ex soldiers and took over Berlin. Ebert and his government fled. The Putsch was overcome because they didn't have the support from workers, leading to workers going on strike, resulting in no gas, electricity, water or trains. After 100 hours, Kapp gave in and fled abroad. Ebert and his government returned.
  • Reparations

    In 1921, a special commission fixed a sum of £6.6 billion to be paid in annual instalments by Germany as reparations for the war- this was in the ToV.
  • Political Murders- Matthias Erzberger

    He was assassinated on the 26th August 1921 by right wing opponents. He signed the armistice on the 11th November 1918 and right wing Germans thought he had stabbed Germany in the back because they believed they could have won the war. They called him the worst of the November criminals and blamed him for the Treaty of Versailles which punished and weakened Germany militarily, territorially and financially.
  • Political Murders- Walter Rathenau

    He was assassinated on the 24th June 1922. He was the foreign minister so was blamed for making Germany weak internationally and was in charge of paying the reparations under the Treaty of Versailles which weakened Germany.
  • Occupation of the Ruhr

    January 1923, French Belgian soldiers marched to Ruhr as Germany can't pay reparations, 1922, they don't believe Germany. Began to take what was owed to France. Gov in Germany ordered workers to go on strike, they continued paying them-passive resistance. Over 100 strikers killed, 15000 people thrown out homes. Germany short of money, loads of notes printed. Shops put prices up. Continuous cycle. Workers paid twice a day. Prices kept rising. WR lost support. Savings worthless, someone to blame
  • Hyperinflation

    The value of money in Germany decreased in 1923 as a result of hyperinflation, where all the prices rose rapidly as the value of money decreased. The German people blamed their government because it was their decision to call a strike in the Ruhr and then print so much money. Some benefitted- people in debt, whilst most didn't- people with saving, elderly people on fixed pensions and small businesses.
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    Currency in Germany

    Stresemann's solution was to replace the worthless currency with a temporary currency called the Rentenmark in November 1923. In 1924, the Rentenmark was replaced by the Reichsmark, which was a stable currency that remained in Germany for the next 25 years.
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    Munich Beer Hall Putsch

    Putsch was led by Hitler Nazis, aim to take over Bavaria and Germany as they hate the WR, the ToV and thought they could've won WWI. Hitler interrupting meeting in Munich Beer Hall, saying he was going to take over Bavaria, Berlin and Germany. Kahr imprisoned in small room. Ludendorff supported him. Hitler released Kahr as promised help. Kahr lied, the police told. 2000 Nazis marched in trying to take control. Armed policemen prevented this. 16 Nazis dead, 3 policemen dead. Hitler imprisoned.
  • The Dawes Plan

    Stresemann's solution to help German industries that were struggling was to borrow money from the USA, for example, through the Dawes Plan of 1924. Here, Stresemann borrowed a sum of 800 million marks to aid Germany's recovery and industries. This helped to create a cycle of prosperity in Germany to help with recovery from hyperinflation. This also meant that Germany could start paying the reparations back, so the French and Belgian troops left the Ruhr.
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    Years of Recovery for the Weimar Republic

    Between the years of 1924-1929, the Weimar Republic appeared to recover from the political and economic crises of 1919-1923. The politician who was most responsible for this recovery was Gustav Stresemann, who was Foreign Minister from 1924 until his death in 1929. However there was still underlying problems so it was not a complete recovery.
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    Golden Age

    The Years of Recovery also witnessed a cultural rebirth in Germany, during which music, nightlife, art, design, literature, plays and cinema flourished. Many Germans viewed this positively, however not all Germans viewed this way.
    Literature- "all quiet on the western front"- Eric Remarque
    Artists- Diz and Grosz- Avant Garde
    Film- "Metropolis"- technically advanced
    Plays- Weill's "The Threepenny Opera"
    Nightlife- "Berlin nightclubs, jazz songs, naked dancers
    Design- Bauhaus designers- brutalism
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    Changes to Nazi Party

    Under Hitler, the Nazi party became more appealing. They set up Nazi offices all over Germany, they set up the Hitler Youth organisation, made the Nazi propaganda more organised under Joseph Goebbels, they had their own newspapers, used radio broadcasts and cinema news reports, Hitler himself was a charismatic inspiring speakers and the Nazis were seen as a strong well organised party, having their own private army, the SA
  • The Locarno Pact

    In 1925, Germany signed the Locarno Pact with Britain, France, Belgium and Italy. The countries promised never to invade each other. This meant Germany was more trusted by these countries which increased her international status.
  • The League of Nations

    In 1926, Germany joined the League of Nations which was an international peacekeeping organisation. Germany had not been allowed to join the League of Nations when it was originally set up in 1919. Being a member of the League increased Germany's international status.
  • The Kellog-Briand Pact

    In 1928, Germany signed the Kellog-Briand Pact. The participating countries agreed never to go to war, unless to defend themselves if they were attacked. This meant that Germany was more trusted by these countries which increased her international status.
  • Unemployment in Germany

    In 1928 before the Great Depression, just under one million Germans were unemployed.
  • The Young Plan

    In 1929, Stresemann negotiated a decrease in the reparations through the Young Plan. The total amount to be paid went from £6.6 billion to £1.8 billion. The amount of time Germany had to make these payments was also increased.
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    The Wall Street Crash

    Wall Street Crash in USA- when millions of Americans tried selling shares in companies at one time, resulting in huge drop in share prices- many lost money, many couldn't sell shares for what they paid for them- some couldn't pay banks back, left ruined as debt collectors took cars and homes. Many couldn't afford new goods. Impacted Germany, Americans weren't buying goods. American banks want loan from Germany. German banks want money from businesses- bankruptcy, millions now jobless in Germany.
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    Chancellor Bruning

    Bruning and Hindenburg tried to deal with the Depression by using Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution, but they then argued because Bruning wanted to pass laws to take away rich people's land to give to poorer peasants- redistribute wealth. However, this lost him Hindenburg's support as he was a wealthy land owner. Bruning then resigned as chancellor.
  • Unemployment in Germany

    over 6 million Germans were unemployed in 1932 before Hitler came to power.
  • Largest in Reichstag

    In July 1932, the Nazi party became the largest party in the Reichstag with 230 votes
  • Chancellor von Papen

    von Papen only had 68 supporters when he was made Chancellor. Therefore he held another election in July 1932, but this backfired as the Nazis became the majority. Hindenburg didn't want Hitler as Chancellor so he kept von Papen. Von Papen then met with Reichstag for vote of confidence but 38 Deputies voted for him but 513 against him. He then arranged another election in November 1932- backfired again- even less votes.
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    Chancellor von Schleicher

    Hindenburg wanted to close down the Reichstag and rule by himself but von Schleicher warned him that this was a bad idea and would lead to rebellion. Therefore, von Papen was forced to resign and in December 1932, von Schliecher was made chancellor. However, he couldn't get enough support in the Reichstag and was forced to resign on the 28th January 1933. In the meantime, von Papen had plotted with Hitler and promised to help him become chancellor, if Hitler gave him a position in his government
  • Youth Groups in Germany

    When the Nazis came to power in 1933, they banned all youth groups, except the Hitler Youth, so that they could control young people.
  • The first Nazi Bishop

    In 1933, some Protestants wanted their church to be under Nazi control- they were known as German Christians- and their leader Muller, became the first Reich (Nazi) Christian in 1933.
  • Shut down of Bauhaus movement

    The Bauhaus movement was not approved by Hitler as he wanted traditional designs. This led to him shutting down the Bauhaus movement in 1933
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    Birth rate in Germany

    The Nazis had some success with their control of women's reproduction as the birth- rate increased by almost 500,000 a year between 1933 and 1939
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    Physically and Mentally Disabled Sterilization and Murder

    Physically and mentally disabled men and women were forcibly sterilized by the Nazis as Hitler did not want them passing on their disabilities to their children. From 1939, Hitler began to kill people with physical and mental disabilities; about 200,000 were murdered in specially built 'nursing homes' which were places for killing them unknowingly.
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    Jewish Discrimination and Persecution

    Between 1933 and 1939, Hitler discriminated against Jews and non-Jews. For example, in 1938, Jewish children were banned from German schools. During the Second World War, persecution became even worse, they were placed in ghettos and then concentration camps to be murdered by poison gas.
  • Hitler become Chancellor of Germany

    Hitler however did not have full control at this time as he relied on Hindenburg to keep him as Chancellor as the Nazis were not the biggest party and Hindenburg tried to restrict Hitler's power as Chancellor. This means Hitler had to consolidate his power to become a dictator.
  • Reichstag Fire

    The Reichstag fire- the Reichstag burnt down. It was not clear who started the fire but a communist called Van der Lubbe was arrested and blamed for the fire. He was a low down communist with mental health issues. His confession was a breakdown.
  • The Law for the Protection of the People and State

    Hitler stated that the Reichstag Fire was a communist plot to take over Germany. Hitler asked President Hindenburg to pass this law which banned Communists from taking part in the March election in 1933. In addition, 4000 communists were imprisoned and communist newspapers were shut down.
  • The election

    In this election, the Nazis got more seats than ever before. However they still did not have a majority. But Hitler had stirred enough fear of Communism that he was able to persuade the Central Party to join the Nazis. This gave Hitler and the Nazis a majority in the Reichstag.
  • The Enabling Law

    Hitler then forced the Reichstag to pass the Enabling Law. The SA threatened the Deputies and their families so they had to vote for the law. The Enabling Law gave Hitler the power to make laws without going through the Reichstag.
  • Local Governments, Councils and the police

    As soon as the Enabling Law was passed, Hitler used his powers to put Nazis in charge of all local governments, councils and the police. In addition to taking control of the police, the Nazis also formed the Gestapo (secret police), who had powers to arrest those who were suspected of opposing Hitler and the Nazis. The first concentration camp was also set up in Dachau, where opponents of Hitler (known as political prisoners) could be imprisoned.
  • Trade Unions banned

    Trade Unions- organisations which represent workers and try to increase their wages and improve their working conditions. Hitler banned all trade unions. He took away their money and imprisoned their leaders.
  • All Political Parties

    Hitler banned all political parties in Germany, except the Nazis. He passed a law called the Law Against the Formation of New Parties which stated that anyone who tried to set up another political party would be imprisoned for three years.
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    The Night of the Long Knives

    Before Hitler became Chancellor, the SA had been a great support to Hitler. But by 1934, the leader of the SA, Ernst Rohm wanted to join the SA with the German army and put both under his control. This alarmed Hitler as this would make Rohm incredibly powerful and a potential threat to Hitler's power. Therefore, Rohm and other leading members of the SA were arrested and shot dead. Over the next 2 days, 400 Nazi members of the SA and leaders who did not agree with Hitler, were arrested and shot.
  • The President

    President Hindenburg died of natural causes. Hitler immediately took over the President's job as well as remaining in the position of Chancellor. He made the army swear an oath of loyalty to him, rather than to the country.
  • Nuremburg Laws

    A series of anti-Semitic Laws passed by the Nazis in 1935 which removed citizenship from the Jews and banned marriages between Jews and non Jews.
  • Berlin Olympic Games

    Success in sport was used to promote the Nazi regime. The Olympic games were held in Berlin in 1936 and this event is used to promote Nazi Germany. The German Olympic squad came top of the medal table. Hitler claimed it's because the German race was superior to other races. German filmmaker Leni Riefenstahl filmed the entire event and pioneered the use of track shots to follow the athletes movements in slow motion. The Nazis used the games as a way to show of the brilliance of German technology.
  • Kristallnacht- the Night of the Broken Glass

    An event in November 1938 when Jews and their shops and businesses were attacked throughout Germany. Turning point/ escalation in Nazi anti-Semitic policies, they become more brutal and extreme. 10,000 Jewish shops had their windows broken, around 100 Jews were killed and 20,000 sent off to concentration camps.
  • Unemployment in Germany

    By 1939, unemployment had dropped dramatically to 0.4 million Germans being unemployed after 6 years of Hitler in power. However, sacked Jews and women forced out of the workplace were not included in the 0.4 million. Part time workers were also considered full time workers in this statistic. The 0.4 million not accurate.
  • Rationing in Germany

    From November 1939, Germany started rationing in the Second World War. Germans were limited to one egg a week, goods like soap and toilet paper were in very short supply and hot water was rationed to two days a week. Anything that did not contribute to the war also stopped such as beer halls, dance halls and shops were closed.
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    The Second World War

    World War II, the largest and deadliest conflict in human history, involved more than 50 nations and was fought on land, sea and air in nearly every part of the world. It was caused in part by the economic crisis of the Great Depression and by political tensions left unresolved following the end of WWI. The war began when Nazi Germany invaded Poland in 1939 and raged across the globe until 1945, when Japan surrendered to the United States after atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
  • Germany's first major battle lost

    Germany failed to defeat the USSR in the Battle of Stalingrad in 1942. The winter made Germany struggle- food and clothing. This was Germany's first major battle lost as they had to fight on two fronts. Turning point in the Second World War
  • Bombing in Germany

    From 1942, the British and Americans began to drop thousands of bombs on German cities, e.g. Dresden. The bombing caused a lack of electricity, water and transport, as well as flooding and explosions. Thousands of Germans were forced to flee their homes and they became refugees trying to find safety.
  • Wannsee Conference

    An area in Berlin where the Nazi leaders met in early January 1942 to discuss the easiest and cheapest way to kill all the Jews left in Europe (an estimated 11 million people). Here the Nazis decided on the Final Solution (Holocaust) which led to the mass murder of 6 million Jews in six major death camps, including Auschwitz, Belzec and Treblinka. They were killed using poison gas.
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    The Holocaust

    In the Wannsee conference, the Nazis decided on the Final Solution (Holocaust) which led to the mass murder of 6 million Jews in six major death camps, including Auschwitz, Belzec and Treblinka. They were killed using poison gas.
  • The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

    The Warsaw ghetto was established in Poland after the Nazis took control of the country. It was the largest of the Nazi ghettos during WWII. The Jews in the Warsaw ghetto carried out an uprising in 1943 which lasted for 43 days before the Nazis finally gained control. The Nazis arrested and executed all those who were involved and burned down the ghetto.
  • Death Camp Rebellion- Treblinka

    The best known death camp rebellion that took place was in 1943 at Treblinka (in Poland). One of the prisoners broke into the weapons store and handed out guns. After setting the camp on fire, 150 prisoners escaped and killed 15 guards. The Nazis regained control and killed 550 other prisoners in revenge.
  • Slave Workers in German factories

    By 1944, around 7 million foreign slave workers had been brought to work in Germany's factories from countries which had been conquered by Germany during the Second World War.
  • The July Bomb Plot of 1944

    The July Bomb Plot of 1944 was the most famous plot against Hitler. Army generals including Beck, Goerdeler, and Stauffenberg plotted to detonate a bomb in a meeting which Hitler was attending. Four men were killed and Hitler was injured, including burnt hair and burst eardrums, but he survived.