First School of People with Disabilities
Charles Michel L'Epee opened the first public for people with disabilities in Paris, France. Charles developed a sign language system for people who were deaf. This included hand signs, finger spelling and a spoken sign language in French. -
First Visually Impaired boy learns to read
Valentin Hauy, created an enlarged font that he was able to use on a visually impaired boy who was 17 how to read by touch. The boy later became a teacher for students at the same school where he was taught to read. -
The Institute for Blind Youth
Valentin Hauy founded the first ever institute in the world where he would help teach and educate kids who were blind. He saw how many children were being made fun of for their condition and felt it was the right thing for this institute to make them feel like they have a place to feel included and can actually learn how to read, write... https://www.afb.org/about-afb/history/online-museums/life-and-legacy-louis-braille/institute-blind-youth -
Creation of Department of Special Education
The Department of Special Education was created by the National Education Association. With this it helped open doors with kids with disabilities having more opportunities to learn in schools. Since kids with disabilities were often neglected this was a way for them to feel more included in their community and having the right to an education. -
The Intelligence Scale
In 1908 the French researcher Alfred Binet, along with Theodore Simon, created the intelligence scale: a standardized intelligence test in order to identify mentally retarded children. This test would be applied in French schools. Later, this test was applied to American standards as well. This test was a way for teachers to know what students needed special education. -
Council for Exceptional Children
The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) was founded by Elizabeth Farrell. This Council plays an important role in providing laws to protect those with disabilities. This organization is dedicated in improving the success of children and younger adults with disabilities. -
Blind People included in Social Security Act
In 1936, the Social Security Act included blind people and has authorized $3,000,000 {5} for the fiscal year ending June 30,1936, and has authorized for each fiscal year thereafter the appropriation of a sum sufficient to carry out the purposes of the title of the act. https://www.ssa.gov/history/reports/ces/cesbookc17.html -
The National Association for Retarded Children
the National Association for Retarded Children (NARC) was founded by parents of children with mental disabilities in Minneapolis, Minnesota. This association ignited the idea of public law 94-142, by asking that every mentally retarded child has the right to education, and that such would occur depending on each person’s needs. https://youtu.be/QyfCdOo7ft4?si=Jfr2sAeioP1B58jH -
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
This act was a federal law passed and provided funds for schools for them to have a proper environment for children with disabilities. This would hold schools accountable for the students achievement. The funds included: grants for low-income students, federal grants for textbooks and library books, promotion for parents involvement... -
Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children vs. Common Wealth of Pennsylvania
The result of this case was that each child must be offered an individual education and paved the way of children with disabilities given the right to an education. The state was required to evaluate and place all students with mental disabilities being publicly funded in an educational setting. -
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
was signed into law by President Gerald Ford on November 29, 1975. It was originally called the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EHA). IDEA is a federal law that guarantees children with disabilities access to a free and appropriate public education. Its goals include ensuring that children with disabilities have the same educational opportunities as other children. -
Americans with Disabilities Act
Is a civil rights law that was signed by President George H.W. Bush and prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life, including jobs, schools, transportation, and all public and private places that are open to the general public.