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History of Special Education and Inclusive Education Timetoast Timeline

By MNaty
  • Identification of Autism

    This was a huge event which happened in 1943, Dr. Leo Kanner published a paper in which he described autism as a condition, which was the first time autism was formally recognized. this was a foundation for later research and educational approaches in education.
  • 1954 Brown V. Board of Education.

    This landmark Supreme Court Case was the case in which segregation in public schools was ended. This created the "Separate is not equal" act students of different race were not allowed to be in the same class or sometimes in the same building which also created unequal opportunities for children. Not only ended racial segregation but also laid a foundation for efforts create inclusive education for all, which includes students with disabilities.
  • Education for Mentally Retarded Children Act

    This act created a recognition for the need of education in children with intellectual disabilities which were excluded for public education. This act began giving schools funding for train teachers with specific methods to educate children with disabilities. Which created a huge shift in public education, which proved that children with disabilities would benefit from education.
  • Establishment of the Association for Children with Learning Disabilities (LDA)

    This was an organization in which was created because learning disabilities were not understood, they were mislabeling students as lazy. Parents came together and advocated for better recognition of this. Over the years this organization now called Learning Disabilities Association of America was a huge part of shaping legislations, which made sure that children with learning disabilities were able to have the proper education they deserved.
  • PARC v. Pennsylvania

    This case was about children with intellectual disabilities being denied access to public schools, which forced parents to be put in institutions or even just be kept at home. When Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children (PARC) sued the state, they stated that children were being excluded and this was a violation of their rights. The court ended up agreeing, and allowed all students to have access to education, regardless of circumstances for disability rights in education.
  • Mills v. Board of Education of the District of Columbia

    After PARC, schools decided to begin denying children with disabilities due to lack of finances. The court decided that financial constraints was not allowed as an excuse for children to be denied the access of public education, which gave all children the opportunity of an education regardless of the schools budget.
  • Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EAHCA)

    This act was one in which allowed children who had disabilities, to have free and appropriate education i public schools. Schools had to evaluate students creating a IEP win which they would take input from parents to create. Before this many children excluded children with disabilities, limiting them from an education.
  • Handicapped Children's Protection Act.

    This law allowed parents to be able to recover legal fees if they won lawsuits for not accepting or providing the right education for their children giving them a stronger voice. It reinforces and strengthen the law and encouraged schools to comply with the laws that were put in place.
  • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

    ADA was an act in which extended civil rights protections for students with disabilities after their education, which makes sure they have equal access to jobs, public spaces, transportation and other schools. This makes sure that people with disabilities are able to be in society comfortably, including wheelchair ramps, restrooms that are accessible to them, and aids for communication.
  • No Child Left Behind Act ?(NCLB)

    NCLB was created to make sure that students were accountable for the performance of a student. It created testing to see the academic progress of students, including those with disabilities. The goal was to make sure that every student, regardless of their disability, was meeting the academic standards that were required to have high quality education.
  • Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

    ESSA replaced NCLB, but kept its main focus on accountability. It allows each state to have more flexibility in being able to set educational goals, but also making sure that they are protecting students with disabilities. This Act prepares all students for college and their careers and emphasizes inclusion.
  • Endrew F. v. Douglas County School District

    This Court casewas created for educational programs for students with disabilities to have a higher standard. This allows that schools need to provide IEP'S to make sure that the students progress is meaningful not just the basics. It makes sure that students with disabilities have the education that they deserve to be able to reach their full potential in life and in their education.