Indigenous rights movement

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    Federation of Australia

    Indigenous Australians are excluded from the census and Commonwealth law making powers.
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    Day of Mourning

    The first major Indigenous protest for rights and citizenship.
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    Indigenous Australians gain voting rights

    Indigenous Australians gain limited voting rights in Commonwealth elections.
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    Full voting rights granted to Indigenous

    Full voting rights granted to Indigenous Australians in Commonwealth elections.
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    90.7% vote to include Indigenous Australians in the census and allow federal lawmaking for them.
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    Tent Embassy

    Tent Embassy established in Canberra, symbolising Indigenous land rights struggles.
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    Racial Discrimination Act

    Racial Discrimination Act passed, making racial discrimination illegal.
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    Uluru return

    Uluru returned to its traditional owners.
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    Aboriginal Reconciliation

    Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody presents its findings and calls for reconciliation.
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    High Court overturns terra nullius

    Mabo decision by the high court overturned terra nullius, recognising Native Title.
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    Native Title Act.

    Native Title Act passed, confirming land rights for Indigenous Australians.
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    Apologizing for Stolen Generations

    Bringing Them Home report on the Stolen Generations released; National Sorry Day recommended.
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    Bridge Walk

    Over 300,000 people walk across Sydney Harbour Bridge in support of reconciliation.
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    Intervention into NT Indigenous communities.

    Northern Territory Intervention launched by the Howard Government.
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    National Apology

    Prime Minister Kevin Rudd delivers the National Apology to the Stolen Generations.
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    Uluru Statement - Post 2010

    Uluru Statement from the Heart is released, calling for constitutional recognition and a First Nations Voice to Parliament.
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    Closing the Gap

    The Closing the Gap report shows slow progress, highlighting continued inequality in health, education and employment.
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    Indigenous Voice to Parliament

    Labor government commits to holding a referendum on an Indigenous Voice to Parliament.
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    National debate on Indigenous recognition.

    The Voice Referendum is held but is unsuccessful, sparking national debate on Indigenous recognition.
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    Indigenous rights and sovereignty

    Calls for Treaty and Truth-Telling continue, with renewed discussions on Indigenous rights and sovereignty.