Major events of the American Revoliton

By aliese
  • 1776 BCE

    challenges for the continental army

    the british forces outnumberd anericans and made it very unfare.
  • competing empires in north america

    in the mid-1700 France and Britain controlled a large amount of North America and each country feared the other which led to a conflict and the native Americans sided with the French because of Britain's expansion
  • French and Indian war

    The French built forts to claim their territory and the vergina company opposed the expansion but the Albany congress met to discuss the potential war that could happen
  • Early British events

    The European-style tactics were ineffective against the French and native American guerrilla warfare. In fort Niagra britsh was defeated on lake ontario and on may 1756 Britain officially declared war on France that was the begging of the seven-year war
  • British rule leads to conflict

    The colonists untied in identity after the war happened and Britain left with debt and need and continued protection. New taxes were made to pay for war debt and ongoing defenses like the sugaring act, the quartering act, and the stamp act
  • proclamation of 1763

    The Proclamation Act was a boundary made by the Application Mountains and it made it so the American colonists could not settle on the french and Indian lands
  • Conflict with native Americans

    ottwona leader potanic formed alliances of western tribes. Attack British forts and settlers killing bout 2000 people and settlers retaliated against all Native Americans. The proclamation banned settlement west of the appellation mountains and that made colonists mad so they ignored it
  • British turning the tide

    William Pitt became the British prime minister and chose General James Wolfe to lead. Britsh captured fort duqensn and renamed it Fort Pitt later. At Quebec British defeated the French in a surprise attack. In 1763 France ceded territories to Britain and Britain gained control of all territory east of the Mississippi
  • colonial resistance to the British control

    There was a widespread of protest because of the new taxes and laws so people tried to boycott the taxes and that lef to the Boston massacure. The people who were protesting was throwing rocks at soldiers leading one to fall and misfire so the rest of the troop fiered because they heard the gun go off
  • The Boston teaparty

    People started dumping tea into the Boston harbor to protest against the taxes and then Boston closed the harbor limited Massachusetts self governance and expanded the quartering act.
  • the second continental congress

    appointed Gorge Washington to be the leader of the continental army and began printing money to pay for the war effort the colonist split to Patrots who supported the independence and the Loyalists who remained loyal to Britain
  • The shot heard around the world

    The British troops marched to seize weopns in concord and Paul Revere and William Dawes tried to war the colonists. This was the first armed conflict of the American revolution, The British retreated to Boston after a heavy loss and the minutemen were ready to fight at any moment.
  • early battles of the American revolution

    Fort Ticonderoga was a patriot win and they gained control of waterways. Bunker hill that the British won at a high cost. siege of Boston Washington troops were forced to evacuate. Failed invasion of cnada Americans were unprepared for the campaine
  • call on independance

    Thomas Paine argued for self-governance and stimulated support for independence. Virginia formal statement on supporting independence and the continental congress voted for independence on July 2n,d 1776
  • declaration of independence

    it was primaraly written by thomas jefferson based on the enlightmnt ideas