
  • Marvel was founded

    Marvel was founded
    Was founded by Martin Goodman and Stan Lee. When it was founded, it was called timely comics and later became Marvel comics.
  • First super hero created

    First super hero created
    A fire man called human torch and a ocean man namor where the first super hero’s created from marvel comics and they called it comic #1
  • X-man was created

    X-man was created
    The x man is a new world of superhero’s that the other hero’s. X man was also named the number 1 comic of all time
  • The fantastic 4

    The fantastic 4
    The fantastic 4 was added to the superhero world to add more realism in the marvel comics. This was also Jake Kirby’s first published marvel comic he created
  • The Avengers were created

    The Avengers were created
    The avengers are a team of superheroes and there are about 11 of them that work together. It is said they are the most popular superhero in the whole franchise
  • Best selling marvel comic

    Best selling marvel comic
    X-man was the best selling marvel comic to come out selling about 9 million copies
    And award the 1 most selling comic book ever