Midterm Project

  • Period: to

    The Development Through Life Perspective

    This chapter covers the psychosocial approach (interaction between biological, psychological and societal systems) and life span
  • Key Milestones Ch. 1

    Cognitive: Psychological systems: metal process central to a person's ability to make meaning of experiences and take action
    Quantity of family time, interaction with friends, school, music art travel and reading
    Identity: meaning making
  • Photo Ch. 1

    Photo Ch. 1
    "Erik Erikson wrote that human life as the individual experiences it is produced by the interaction and modification of three major systems: biological system, the psychological system and the societal system."
  • Key Milestones Ch. 1

    Physical: Biological system: responsible for the physical functioning of the organism and for mental activity
    Develop and change throughout life by genetics, maturation, environment stimulation, recourse, nutrition and lifestyle
    Emotional: Societal system: fosters/disrupts a person's sense of social integration and social identity
    Personalize values, priorities, changing family patterns
  • Major Theories Ch. 1

    Nature Vs Nurture: nature; genetic predisposition nurture; patterns of socialization and care received
    Psychosocial Approach: product of interaction between biological, psychological and societal process
  • How they Apply Ch. 1

    How long someone's lifespan is depends on the connection of the biological, psychological and societal systems. A person is built off of the interaction of all three processes.
  • Challenges/Resolutions Ch. 1

    Poverty: the access of resources including food, water and shelter have a large impact on someone's life span. Living in poverty affects academic achievements, physical health, as well as mental health. Finding help and getting all the support that can be provided
  • Period: to

    Major Theories for Understanding Human Development

    Provides an overview of the important concepts and theories that will be covered throughout the textbook.
  • Key Milestones Ch. 2

    Physical: Modeling: watch someone perform a task or say a new expression and imitate the new behavior accurately on the first try
    Emotional: Freud Psychosexual Stages- oral, anal, phallic, latent, and genital. All reflect different stages of life with the emphasis placed on the sexual aspect and reason for each.
    Cognitive: Freud's Consciousness- Balance and usage of conscious, preconscious and unconscious
    Cognition- Process of organizing and making meaning of an experience
  • Major Theories Ch. 2

    Psychoanalytic Theory: connects the relationship between mental activity to the change of needs, wishes and drives with the role of sexual and aggressive needs
    Attachment Theory: evolutionary need for a secure attachment to ensure that a child receives care to survive
    Piaget Four Stages of Development: sensorimotor, pre-operational, concrete operational thought, formal operational thought
  • How they Apply Ch. 2

    The theories begin at a very early age and follow people through life, making long lasting impacts on how people act, say or think. As people grow and develop, so do these stages and theories. Attachment theory refers to the bond between mother and child. This can also come into play later in life with romantic relationships.
  • Challenges/Resolutions Ch. 2

    Social role theory impacts the process of socialization and personality development through the personality development through the persons participation in increasingly diverse and complex social roles Finding a balance between your cultures needs and expectations to the other things that impact your life.
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    The Period of Pregnancy and Prenatal Development

    First stages off human development in the mother. Covers genetics, fetal development, birthing process, connection between mother and fetus, the way culture impacts pregnancy and childbirth and abortion.
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    Infancy (First 24 Months)

    This chapter covers newborns, important developmental tasks, trust vs mistrust, connection with a care giver, ego quality and the core pathology and the role of parents.
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    Toddlerhood (Ages 2-4)

    This chapter covers important developmental tasks, autonomy vs shame and doubt, imitation, ego quality and the core pathology, impact of poverty on psychological development and child care.
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    Early School Age (4-6)

    This chapter covers important developmental tasks, initiative vs guilt, identification, ego quality and the core pathology and school readiness.
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    Middle Childhood (6-12)

    This chapter covers important developmental tasks, industry vs inferiority, education, ego quality and the core pathology and violence in the lives of children.