Personal Identity Digital Timeline

  • birth

    day i was born
  • getting my dog

    getting my dog
    my aunt bought me a puppy
  • getting my barbie bike

    getting my barbie bike
    my dad bought me my very first bike
  • christmas break florida trip

    christmas break florida trip
    going to Florida for Christmas
  • first day of pre-k

    first day of pre-k
    first stared pre-k
  • graduating pre-k

    graduating pre-k
    ended pre-k
  • getting a new dog

    getting a new dog
    my dad surprised my sisters and I with a new dog
  • 4th grade science fair

    4th grade science fair
    volcano blew up
  • starting middle school

    starting middle school
  • covid started

    covid started
    had to stay home for a while and cut 6th grade short
  • remote learning for 7th grade started

    remote learning for 7th grade started
    my whole 7th grade was online and I don't remember much of that time
  • went back to school 8th grade

    went back to school 8th grade
    everyone went back to school
  • made new friends

    made new friends
    made life long friends that I am still friends with to this day
  • 8th grade graduation

    8th grade graduation
    finished middle school
  • family died

    family died
    found out my 4 little cousins and aunt and uncle died in a car crash
  • freshmen year started

    freshmen year started
    started high school
  • family's funeral

    family's funeral
    had the family funeral after all the investigations have finished
  • poland christmas break trip

    poland christmas break trip
    went to Poland for the second time for my cousins wedding
  • started sophomore year

    started sophomore year
    went to the older building
  • weekend florida trip

    weekend florida trip
    went to florida for 3-4 days
  • summer started

    summer started
  • junior year

    junior year
    started one of the hardest years