Radio Timeline

  • Discovery of traveling waves

    In 1885 Henirich Hertz a German physicist was the first to prove that you could transmit and receive electric waves wirelessly. So he studied and found that you could send signals to other things this later turned into the radio.
  • First made Radio

    Nikola Tesla wirelessly transmitted electromagnetic energy. He made the first public demonstration of radio in St. Louis in 1893.
  • Guglielmo Marconi filed for patent protection

    Guglielmo Marconi filed for patent protection of his radio apparatus. He established the Wireless Telegraph and Signal Company in 1897.
  • first test over seas

    First trans-Atlantic signal sent by Marconi from Ireland to Canada.
  • Airplane

    First radio transmission from an airplane, from the ground.
  • Regulation of American airwaves

    Regulation of American airwaves
    Regulation of American airwaves begins. Amateurs had to be licensed and ships had to have a radio and trained operators to start.
  • Radio Stations Close

    Radio Stations Close
    All U.S. radio stations not needed by the government are closed as WWI begins.
  • First Broadcast

    First Broadcast
    the first broadcast on the radio all around.
  • 2 GHZ mobile devices

    2 GHZ mobile devices
    The FCC reallocated spectrum at 2 GHz for emerging
    digital mobile services.