Significant Events In The History of Education

  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    Plessy v Ferguson was a case on separate but equal. Homer Plessy was a train passenger who refused to sit in a car for black people. It was ruled that this did not violate the U.S. constitution because the facilities were equal in conditions. This caused a lot of controversy with not everyone agreeing. It also led to Jim Crow laws which enforced the segregation.
  • Brown v. the Board of Education, Topeka

    This case was still during the segregated era and enforcement of Jim Crow laws. Public schools were denying admission to students of color. A father sued because his daughter was not being admitted to a nearby school and had to go to a school that was more than a hour away. This violated the 14th amendment and was unconstitutional. It encouraged the civil rights movement. It violated the equal protection clause and it was recognized that these separate facilities were not equal.
  • Serrano v. Priest

    This case was in California. John Serrano, a father of a public school student sued because he did not agree with the way public school districts were being financed. He didn’t agree with the states public school finance system and believed it was not equal. The final ruling in this case was that it was unconstitutional. It violated the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment and every child was entitled to an equal quality education.
  • Title IX

    Title IX differs from the other cases in this timeline because it is a civil rights law. It prohibits sec based discrimination in schools that receive funding from the government. This law is in place so that students are not excluded due to gender. It is well known for making sure every gender is able to play sports.
  • Mills v. Board of Education of District of Columbia

    This case was brought upon by several parents who had children with disabilities. The students had similar experiences of being denied educational services. Their parents sued because of this and the court ruled that it was in fact unconstitutional and they were not being provided with an equal education. Students with disabilities are now entitled to an education. They can’t be denied any resources because of this.
  • Lau v. Nichols

    This case came from parents of Chinese students who were not being offered enough help and resources. They did not speak English and could not learn because they did not understand the material. Their parents opened this case because they were not being provided with an equal education. They were being taught in a language they did not understand. The court ruled in their favor and led to the equal education opportunities act that prohibits discrimination.
  • Education of all Handicapped Children Act

    The Education of all Handicapped Children Act is also a law. It was passed in 1975. It protects the rights of students with disabilities. Students with both physical and mental disabilities should have equal access to education and the resources they need. This applies and helps enforce the rules in schools that receive funding from the government.
  • Pyler v. Doe

    Pyler v. Doe was a case from 1982 where a parent sued the state of Texas because their child had to pay tuition to attend public schools while others did not. Several families got together to file this lawsuit and they won. The court ruled that it was unconstitutional and violated the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment. This made it possible for immigrant children to attend school and have equal opportunities!