
The Aboriginal Fight For Human Rights

  • Colonization of Australia

    In 1788 this was the beginning of the british colonization. Their first destination was in Australia which they then colonized the Aboriginals. By colonizing the aboriginals this lead to violence and even death.
  • Violence and Ill- treatment

    The white farmers mistreated the aborigines in many various and violent ways. Some things that they did was shooting Aborigines on sight and when they set loose their killer dogs during sundown
  • breeding out the colors

    Breeding out the colour was a way to re populate white children. They did this by forcing female aborigines to marry white males. They also put some of the aboriginal kids up for adoption but they could only be adopt by the whites. This method was forced upon them by the society which then became a policy that had to be followed.
  • Under control of the protection or welfare/boards

    in 1883 indigenous people were under control of Protection or welfare, boards. These people decided everything for the aborigines they decided where they lived who they could marry,what jobs they could do etc. The aborigines who worked either on farms, as slaves or servants were not paid at all.
  • Aboriginal claim citizen rights

    during 1939 Aboriginal people were placed in Sydney and a document was wrote about them called "claim citizen rights". This was the first time aborigines made a national protest about their human rights.
  • War

    the Indigenous Australia became even more obvious to the general public which in result became world war 2 in 1939-1945.
  • Indigenous Australians in 1951

    During 1951 talented aborigines were not allowed to represent their country or state because they were not acknowledged as Australian citizens. Because of this children did not go to secondary school and thousands or kids were taken by force from their parents.
  • The Mabo Decision

    The Mabo Decision
    The Mabo case was when the court of Australia recognised their native title for the first time and also granted the aboriginals legal rights to their own land.
  • The lost generation

    during the 2000's a 7 year old girl named lorna Cubillo was taken by police officers and thrown into a truck with 15 other girls. Lorna was then put into a church-run foster home where she was sexually abused, after arriving at the foster home she never saw her mother again.
  • Putting things right

    Putting things right
    In 2008 this was the year the aboriginals hoped to come which was justice. Although it wasn't fully, they received full apologies by the prime minister saying how sorry they were and how sorry the pain them and there ancestors had to go through. They finally had recognition for their rights and they finally had control of their land and culture. Improvements were made on their health,education,jobs and overall living conditions.