60,000 BCE
ERA 1: Oral Communication
Thousands of years ago, oral communication was the primary way of teaching, with people heavily relying on cave drawings and stories to understand the world and life itself. -
59,999 BCE
ERA 2: Written Communication
The utilization of writing also goes long back in history (Bates, n.d.). For instance, It is indicated in the Bible that Moses had used chiselled stone to send the ten commandments in some sort of writing roughly in the 7th century. -
59,998 BCE
ERA 3: Broadcasting and Video
With the invention of the radio in 1895, new trends emerged in education. BBC started broadcasting educational radio programs in 1920s and the radio was widely used for education around the 1930s. What's more, podcasts are still a popular tool in foreign language teaching. -
59,997 BCE
ERA 4: Computer Technologies
Learning was fairly digitalized during and after this era. Desktops and laptops replaced projectors followed by smart boards. Learning management systems, an example of which is WebCT, were also created. -
30,000 BCE
Cave Drawings
Cave drawings were a common way
of oral transmission. -
1000 BCE
Stories were told to make
accurate memorization. -
500 BCE
Written Documents
Written documents exist
in ancient Greece. -
Paper was invented
in China by Ts'ai Lun. -
Manuscript Transcription
The development of manuscript transcription
in Europe as a writing standard. -
Stale Boards
Slate boards were used in India. -
Printing Press
The printing press was invented in Europe
by German goldsmith Johannes Gutenberg. -
Chalkboards & Blackboards
Chalkboards and blackboards
were used to aid education. -
The mimeograph machine, which was used to duplicate material at a low cost and thought to smell interestingly good was invented
by Thomas Edison. -
The BBC commenced broadcasting
educational radio programs for schools. -
Overhead Projectors
Despite initially being used mainly for military training, overhead projectors later became commonplace in classrooms to facilitate learning until they were replaced by electronic projectors and presentational software. -
Photocopying Machine
The first photocopying machine
was invented by Chester Carlson. -
Even though electronic television was first demonstrated on September the 7th, 1927, it was only made possible during the late 1950s that television was used for educational purposes. -
As Bates (n.d.) notes in Teaching in a Digital Age, "PLATO was a generalized computer-assisted instruction system originally developed at the University
of Illinois"... -
Hand-held Calculator
The first hand-held calculator that could add, multiply, subtract and divide was invented. -
Computer-mediated Communication or CMC was generated by Murray Turoff and Roxanne Hiltz at the New Jersey Institute of Technology when the two incorporated teaching with online discussion forums, experimenting with blended learning. (Bates, n.d.) -
The World Wide Web, which is an app that runs on the Internet enabling "end-users" to form and attach documents, videos or various digital media... was launched (Bates, n.d.). -
Google is a lifesaver, game-changer and humans' right hand. It has made our lives easier by making information widely accessible ever since it was created in 1999. -
Youtube is the most popular video-sharing and social media platform that embodies thousands of videos on numerous branches and/or fields of education. -
Bates (n.d.) describes Massive Online Open Course, which was created by George Siemens, Stephen Downes and Dave Cormier in Canada as "a community of practice that linked webinar presentations and/or blog posts by experts to participants’ blogs and tweets, with just over 2,000 enrollments". -
Other Resources
https://eduvoice.in/educational-technology-vs-instructional-technology/ used for the timeline title picture https://www.wired.com/2008/08/aug-8-1876-edison-patents-mimeograph/#:~:text=1876%3A%20Thomas%20Edison%20receives%20a,there%20came%20the%20mimeograph%20machine. used for the mimeograph picture https://www.history.com/topics/inventions/printing-press#:~:text=Goldsmith%20and%20inventor%20Johannes%20Gutenberg,use%20commercially%3A%20The%20Gutenberg%20press. used for the printing press pic -
Glavin, C. (2018, September 26). The History of Educational Technology. The History of Educational Technology | K12 Academics. Retrieved October 23, 2022, from https://www.k12academics.com/educational-technology/history -
Other Resources
https://baslangicnoktasi.org/gelecegin-beceri-setine-sahip-olabilmek-icin-kitlesel-cevrimici-acik-kurs-mooc-modeli/ *image used for MOOC All the other pictures were retrieved from: *https://pixabay.com/
*https://www.pexels.com/ -
Bates, T. (2015, April 5). Teaching in a Digital age. Teaching in a Digital Age. Retrieved October 21, 2022, from https://opentextbc.ca/teachinginadigitalage/ Educational Technology. EduTech Wiki. (n.d.). Retrieved October 22, 2022, from http://edutechwiki.unige.ch/en/Educational_technology SMARTEduEMEA. (2011). The History of Technology in Education. YouTube. Retrieved October 21, 2022, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFwWWsz_X9s. -
Disini, N. (n.d.). History of Education - International Standing Conference for the History of Education. History of Educational Technology| History of Education. Retrieved October 23, 2022, from http://blitzlondon.blogspot.com/2012/10/history-of-educational-technology.html Educational Technology. EduTech Wiki. (n.d.). Retrieved October 22, 2022, from http://edutechwiki.unige.ch/en/Educational_technology -
Other Resources
https://www.easytechjunkie.com/what-is-an-overhead-projector.htm *image used for overhead projector https://stephens.hosting.nyu.edu/History%20of%20Television%20page.html#:~:text=Electronic%20television%20was%20first%20successfully,electricity%20until%20he%20was%2014. *pic used for television https://study.com/academy/lesson/comparing-face-to-face-computer-mediated-communication.html *image used for CMC