The Modernization of Québec & The Quiet Revolution (1945-1980)

  • Adoption of the Fleur-de-lise(Québec’s Flag)

    Adoption of the Fleur-de-lise(Québec’s Flag)
    • Premier of Quebec: Maurice Duplessis (Reflections p.212)
    • Prime Minister of Canada: Louis-Stepehn-St-Laurent (Reflections p.210)
    • Major Changes: Duplessis' gov't introduced its own personal income tax, as they were becoming more financially independent (Class Notes,
    • Significance: Significant to Quebec's modernization because a new provincial flag was created, the Quebec flag today, and was the personal income tax is the start of their modernization and independence
  • Asbestos Strike

    Asbestos Strike
    • Premier of Quebec: Maurice Duplessis (Reflections p.212)
    • Prime Minister of Canada: Louis-Stephen-St-Laurent (Reflections p.210)
    • Major Changes: Violent strikes as miners wanted safer conditions more $, but Duplessis declared the strike illegal (Santamaria, protest Moments P.6)
    • Significance: The strikes occurs as many citizens began opposing Duplessis because of his traditionalist, conservative, and close ties to church's policies (Class Notes Protest Movements Jan22)
  • Arrival of Television in Québec

    Arrival of Television in Québec
    • Premier of Quebec: Maurice Duplessis (Reflections p.212) -Prime minister of Canada: Louis-Stephen-St-Laurent (Reflections p.210) -Major Changes: Post war; Baby boom, mass consumption, Qc society exposed to American culture–Americanism through tv promoting freedom, increased purchasing power allowed families to afford modern alliances that were advertised, led to QC becoming a consumer society ("Santamaria, Evolving Society, p.7")
    • Significance: Huge impact on Quebec (" ")
  • Nationalization of Electricity (Hydro-Québec Expands)

    Nationalization of Electricity (Hydro-Québec Expands)
    -Premier of Quebec: Jean Lesage (Class Notes Welfare State Jan22)
    -Major Changes: Lesage's gov't nationalized electricity by buying out all the companies and merging with Hydro-Qc into a crown corporation, for a reliable supply of electricity
    -Significance: Created many jobs and source of revenue.During this time(Q.R)advocated for secular control over education, led to the stare expanded role in taking over church's previous responsibilities (Class Notes Welfare State Jan22)