Unbroken Context Annabelle Wright

  • Treaty of Versallies

    Treaty of Versallies
    The Treaty of Versailles required the new German Government to surrender 10 percent of its territory in Europe and overseas possessions.
  • Hitler voted to power in Germany

    Hitler voted to power in Germany
    Hitler was voted to power in Germany through the Nazi part which consisted of patriots angry over the treaty of Versailles allowing him have unlimited power in the Nazi program.
  • Hitlers Olympics

    Hitlers Olympics
    The Nazi's hosted the Olympics to present how powerful they are to the world and even though they lost huge amounts of money throughout the war and end up winning second place to America overall.
  • German invasion of Poland

    German forces invaded the Polish border and capital. Hundreds of thousands of Jewish refugees fled the German advance hoping the Polish army could stop the German advance.
  • Nazi's establish gas chambers at Auschwitz

    Nazi's establish gas chambers at Auschwitz
    The Nazi's began using gas "showers" to succumb Jewish prisoners and then light the bodies on fire to form to ash as a more effective way.
  • Tripartite pact signed

    Tripartite pact signed
    The Tripartite pact was signed by Italy, Japan, and Germany in order to create an alliance and prevented the u.s from entering the conflicts and many more countries signed.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    The Japanese put in act a surprise attack on pearl harbor in Hawaii. It's important because the u.s hadn't been attacked until that point which starts wwll for the u.s. The u.s then bombed Japan because Germany already surrendered.
  • Japanese Americans sent to internment camps.

    Japanese Americans sent to internment camps.
    The Japanese American program that put Japanese Americans in internment had many costly consequences. The Japanese were put into these camps because the u.s was worried how loyal Japanese Americans were to Japan Im means of war.
  • D day

    D day
    On D day allied forces launched an attack on Nazi's occupied France. D day was a national attack including the u.k. D day happened in the aftermath of the u.s entry in the war.
  • Iwo Jima

    Iwo Jima
    U.S marines invade Iwo Jima, approximately 70,000 U.S. Marines and 18,000 Japanese soldiers took part in the battle.
  • Hitler kills himself before red army

    Hitler kills himself before red army
    Adolf Hitler committed suicide after being hunted by Soviet troops invading Berlin. The red army was blocks away from capturing Hitler but found him dead by suicide.
  • Axis powers surrender

    Axis powers surrender
    On September 8th 1943 Italy surrendered, on May 7th 1945 Germany surrendered, and lastly Japan finally surrendered on September 2nd 1945
  • Atomic Bombs dropped on Japan

    Atomic Bombs dropped on Japan
    The first atomic bomb, named Little Boy, was dropped on Hiroshima from the Enola Gay. The second bomb, named Fat Man, was dropped on Nagasaki from the Bockscar. Reeking havoc all over Japan.