Rise of Democratic Politics
Foundationally this right for 'all men' to be created equal and represented only included rich white land owning men. -
15th Amendment
The time period was after the civil war, where conflicts and racial tensions were high.
This act extends voting rights to african american and previously enslaved people. Today it makes sure people are not forbidden from voting due to race -
19th Amendment
This time period was during the progressive era where many women began openly advocating for social justice and equality.
Women were given the right to vote despite gender. -
Indian Citizenship Act of 1924
This was in the 20th century, relatively late considering natives were the original inhibitors, but this act gave native americans US citizenship and suffrage rights. -
McCarren Walter Act of 1952
During the cold war time when immigration from asia and europe was high. Gave Asian Americans citizenship and suffrage rights. -
23rd Amendment
Granted residents of washington dc their own votes in the presidential election apart from the state districts. During the civil rights time. -
24th amendment
During the civil rights movement, outlawed poll taxes which allowed poorer minority voters the chance to vote as well as impoverished communities. -
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Also during the civil rights movement and banned literacy tests which were designed to target black voters and people who did not get the opportunity to get formal education. -
26th Amendment
Vietnam war time, since 18 year olds could be drafted, they could now vote -
VRA Reauthorization of 1975
Required districts with high diversity to provide bilingual voting materials to improve access for latinx and minority voters. -
Voting Accessibility for Elderly and Handicapped Act
Reagan administration time, required polling places to be accessible for handicap and disabled people. Also provides alternatives such as mail in absentee voting, to ensure that disabled people can still be represented and have a vote.