World War I/ Russian Revolution Timeline

  • Woodrow Wilson

    Woodrow Wilson
    A well known American Politician and also our 28th president in 1913. He helped the Russians fight the war. He feared the governments non-democratic nature.
  • Rasputin

    Famous for being a Russian mystic and faith healer. He was involved with the imperial family of Tsar Nicholas II healing their son. He was assassinated in 1916.
  • vladimir lenin

    vladimir lenin
    He was born in 1870 and he died in 1924. He was a well known Russian revolutionary, politician and political theorist. He was the first head of government of Soviet Russia.
  • Tanks

    The British Mark I was first used in combat at The Battle of Flers-Courcelette 1916. The tanks in the early years were slow and unreliable in war. Tanks helped the soilders guide safely through the battlefield.
  • Submarines

    German submarines was a huge threat, disrupting shipping and adding to the war. Germany sent out many unrestricted submarine warfare. German submarines would attack neutral ships.
  • Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    He was born in Austria 1863 and was assassinated in 1914. Franz was a heir to the Hungarian throne. His assassination is what is was considered the cause of war.
  • Flame throwers

    Flame throwers
    Flamethrowers were used for primarily psychological weapons. The German Army developed and deployed flame throwers. They were used to clean out trenches and to cause chaos and fear.
  • Battle of Chra

    Battle of Chra
    The Battle took place in the village of Khra near the Khra river. the battle was between the British and French vs the German Polizeitruppen. This war marked the first war that killed a British Officer in action.
  • Airplanes

    Planes in WW1 were first used for reconnaissance, but eventully led to bombing. They were important to the military because it could help them spot the enemy. Air battles, also known as Dogfights were also a big part of WW1.
  • Poison Gas

    Poison Gas
    Poison Gas was used to kill and disable soilders. There were many different types of gases used including Chlorine Gas, Phosgene, and Mustard Gas. This was important because it could take out a lot of people at once.
  • battle of ardennes

    battle of ardennes
    The battle took place in August 21 1914 in France. The Germans defeated the French and forced them to retreat. they suffered over 27,000 casualties.
  • Battle of Tepe

    Battle of Tepe
    Battle of Tepe was the first Battle between British forces and German forces. Took place between the border of British Nigeria and German Kamerun. It was a turning point in the war for the Germans.
  • Gallipoi campaign

    Gallipoi campaign
    Gallipoi campaign was a military campaign in the first world war. It started because they wanted to knock the ottoman empire out of the war. Through the war the Gallipoli gained their recognision.
  • Battle of Verdun

    Battle of Verdun
    Battle of Verdun was a long battle that lasted 10 months. It took place in the city of Verdun. there were up to 700,000 casualties.
  • Gavrilo Princip

    Gavrilo Princip
    Gavrilo Princip was a 19 year old Bosnian Serb student. He assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie Duchness von Hohenburg. This event was one cause of the world war.