[1945-1980] The Modernization of Québec & The Quiet Revolution

By jaclyns
  • Creation of new provincial flag

    • Introduced by Maurice Duplessis in 1948 to demonstrate Quebec patriotism at a time of encroaching modernity.
    • replaced the Union Jack (shows rejection of British connection)
    • protest against increased federal intervention
    • Includes symbols of Catholicism and the Royal French period.
    • Becomes a symbol for Quebecois nationalism and separatist movements in the 1960s and beyond. (Slide 10)
  • Refus Global

    • The late 1940s was a time of prosperity and modernization in Quebec.
    • However, the Catholic church was heavily involved in many aspects of Quebec society and a group of artists including Borduas and Riopelle are protesting this by publishing this manifesto.
    • They call for the state to take control over health care and education.
    • This call for secularism establishes a goal for a more modern Quebec society which is ultimately realized during the Quiet Revolution. (Class Slide 14)