2nd term

  • 476

    Fall of the Western Roman Empire

    Fall of the Western Roman Empire
  • Period: 476 to 1453

    Middle Ages

  • 493

    Establishment of the Ostrogothic Kingodm by Theodoric the Great

    Establishment of the Ostrogothic Kingodm by Theodoric the Great
  • 527

    Justinian I ascends as Byzantine Emperor

    Justinian I ascends as Byzantine Emperor
  • 711

    Islamic conquest of the Iberian Peninsula

    Islamic conquest of the Iberian Peninsula
  • 732

    Battle of Poitiers, Charle Martel defeats the Islamic troops

    Battle of Poitiers, Charle Martel defeats the Islamic troops
  • 800

    Crowning of Charle Magne

    Crowning of Charle Magne
  • 843

    Treaty of Verdun divides the Carolingian empire into Charlemagne’s grandsons

    Treaty of Verdun divides the Carolingian empire into Charlemagne’s grandsons
  • 962

    Otto I is crowned Holy Roman Emperor

    Otto I is crowned Holy Roman Emperor
  • 1054

    The great schism divides the Eastern and Western Christians

    The great schism divides the Eastern and Western Christians
  • 1066

    Norman conquest of England

    Norman conquest of England
  • 1095

    The pope calls for the 1st Crusade

    The pope calls for the 1st Crusade
  • 1099

    Capture of Jerusalem during the first crusade

    Capture of Jerusalem during the first crusade
  • 1122

    End of controversies between the Holy Roman Emperor and the Pope

    End of controversies between the Holy Roman Emperor and the Pope
  • 1147

    Launch of the second crusade

    Launch of the second crusade
  • 1187

    Saladin recaptures Jerusalem

    Saladin recaptures Jerusalem
  • 1190

    Beginning of the Third Crusade

    Beginning of the Third Crusade
  • 1215

    Signing of the Magna Carta in England, laying foundations for Constituional governance

    Signing of the Magna Carta in England, laying foundations for Constituional governance
  • 1229

    Albginasian crusade against Hieretichs in southern France

    Albginasian crusade against Hieretichs in southern France
  • 1241

    Mongol invation of Eastern Europe

    Mongol invation of Eastern Europe
  • 1265

    First parliament in England

    First parliament in England
  • 1274

    Second council of Lyon discusses Church reforms and possible reunitement of Eastern and Western Christianity

    Second council of Lyon discusses Church reforms and possible reunitement of Eastern and Western Christianity
  • 1302

    Pope Boniface VIII issues the papal bull Unam Sanctam, assuring papal supremacy

    Pope Boniface VIII issues the papal bull Unam Sanctam, assuring papal supremacy
  • 1315

    Beginning of the Great Famine in Europe

    Beginning of the Great Famine in Europe
  • 1347

    Outbreak of the Black Death in Europe

    Outbreak of the Black Death in Europe
  • 1378

    Western Schism splits the Catholic Church between rival popes

    Western Schism splits the Catholic Church between rival popes
  • 1415

    Execution of Jan Hus in Prague

    Execution of Jan Hus in Prague
  • 1417

    End of the western schism with the election of one pope

    End of the western schism with the election of one pope
  • 1453

    Fall of the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire)

    Fall of the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine Empire)
  • Period: 1453 to


  • 1455

    Invention of Gutenberg’s printing press

    Invention of Gutenberg’s printing press
  • 1492

    Cristopher Columbus journey begins the “discovery” of the America’s

    Cristopher Columbus journey begins the “discovery” of the America’s
  • 1494

    Treaty of Tordesillas divides the known world

    Treaty of Tordesillas divides the known world
  • 1517

    Martin Luther begins the Protestant Reformation

    Martin Luther begins the Protestant Reformation
  • 1521

    The Diet of Worms codecs Martin Luther

    The Diet of Worms codecs Martin Luther
  • 1521

    Cortez conquest of the Mexica empire

    Cortez conquest of the Mexica empire
  • 1527

    Charles V sacks Rome

    Charles V sacks Rome
  • 1534

    Henry VIII funds the Anglican Church

    Henry VIII funds the Anglican Church
  • 1543

    Copernicus publishes on “Celestial spheres” revolutionising science and astronomy.

    Copernicus publishes on “Celestial spheres” revolutionising science and astronomy.
  • 1545

    The council of Trent begins the Counter-Reformation

    The council of Trent begins the Counter-Reformation
  • 1555

    The peace of Augsburg establishes free state religions in the Holy Roman Empire

    The peace of Augsburg establishes free state religions in the Holy Roman Empire
  • The Spanish Armada is defeated by England, ending the Spanish golden age and beginning the English golden Century

    The Spanish Armada is defeated by England, ending the Spanish golden age and beginning the English golden Century
  • Period: to


  • The Defenestration of Prague begins the 30 years war

    The Defenestration of Prague begins the 30 years war
  • The peace of Westphalia ends the thirty years war

    The peace of Westphalia ends the thirty years war
  • The English civil War changed the power in the UK

    The English civil War changed the power in the UK
  • The Glorious Revolution establishes a constitutional monarchy in England

    The Glorious Revolution establishes a constitutional monarchy in England
  • The English Bill of Rights reinforced parliamentary power

    The English Bill of Rights reinforced parliamentary power
  • Uniting of England and Scotland forming the UK

    Uniting of England and Scotland forming the UK
  • End of the Spanish War os Succesion with the treaty of Utrecht

    End of the Spanish War os Succesion with the treaty of Utrecht
  • Death of Louis XIV ending the absolute monarchy in France

    Death of Louis XIV ending the absolute monarchy in France
  • First global conflict with the 7 years war

    First global conflict with the 7 years war
  • Battle of the Plains of Abraham ends the influence of New France in America

    Battle of the Plains of Abraham ends the influence of New France in America
  • Beginning of the Industrial Revolution

    Beginning of the Industrial Revolution
  • Period: to

    Industrial Revolution

  • Beginning of the American Independence War

    Beginning of the American Independence War
  • Declaration of American Independence

    Declaration of American Independence
  • Adam Smith creates the principles of Liberalism and Free Market

    Adam Smith creates the principles of Liberalism and Free Market
  • End of the American Revolutionary War

    End of the American Revolutionary War
  • Beginning of the French Revolution

    Beginning of the French Revolution
  • French National Assembly adopts the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen

    French National Assembly adopts the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
  • Napoleon Bonaparte seizes power in France

    Napoleon Bonaparte seizes power in France
  • Napoleon crowns himself Emperor

    Napoleon crowns himself Emperor
  • Battle of Austerlitz marks Napoleon’s peak

    Battle of Austerlitz marks Napoleon’s peak
  • The British Parliament abolishes slave trade in the British Empire

    The British Parliament abolishes slave trade in the British Empire
  • Beginning of the Mexican Independence Wad

    Beginning of the Mexican Independence Wad
  • Napoleon’s failed invasion of Russia

    Napoleon’s failed invasion of Russia
  • Napoleon abdicates and the Congress of Vienna redraws European borders

    Napoleon abdicates and the Congress of Vienna redraws European borders
  • Battle of Waterloo marks Napoleon’s final defeat

    Battle of Waterloo marks Napoleon’s final defeat
  • End of the Mexican Independence War

    End of the Mexican Independence War
  • Greek war of Independence marks the beginning of the Ottoman Empire fall

    Greek war of Independence marks the beginning of the Ottoman Empire fall