
Cameron Schott Timeline

  • Birth

    Cadillac, Michigan
  • Rolling Over

    Physical Event-
    First time that I rolled over on my stomach on my own.
  • Picking Up Objects

    Physical Event-
    First time I started picking up things like rattles etc.
  • Crawling

    Physical Significant-
    First time that I started crawling around my house.
  • Talking

    Cognitive Events-
    Starting saying my first words.
  • Walking

    Physical Event-
    First time I started taking steps and walking along furniture.
  • First Surgery

    Physical Event-
    I had my first surgery on my ears when I was 9 months old. First time that I had to spend the night in a hospital.
  • Teething

    Physical Event-
    First real pain came when I was teething.
  • Colors

    Cognitive Event-
    Learned my colors and could recognize them all within 18 months.
  • Wrote My Name

    Cognitive Event-
    First time that I was able to write my name. Shows how I was beginning to develop mentally.
  • Sibling

    Social Event-
    My only sibling was born. First time that I had to share my parents.
  • Potty Training

    Cognitive Event-
    When I was truly potty trained and I understood that I needed to go to the bathroom in the toilet.
  • Reading

    Cognitive Event-
    I began reading in preschool. At first words then full sentences.
  • Birthday Party

    Social Event-
    First birthday party with classmates and friends instead of just family.
  • Sports

    Physical Event-
    First time I was on a sporting team. It was also the first time that I really tested my athleticism against others. It was fall soccer.
  • Lost Tooth

    Physical Event-
    First time that I was visited by the tooth fairy, and got the cash for it.
  • First Time I Got In Trouble

    Social Event-
    First time that I got into trouble with my friend, Kyle Kolbe, in kindergarten and ended up getting grounded.
  • Football

    Social Event-
    Begin my long journey with football that has helped to mold my relationships with friends as well as my family and other adults. Ths is how I got to know everyone that I know today.
  • Learn To Swim

    Physical Event-
    I began swimming lessons at the YMCA. First time I had to swim on my own.
  • Riding A Bike

    Cognitive Event-
    First time that I rode a bicyclye without training wheels. It took me a while to get this one.
  • First Pet Dying

    Social Event-
    First time we had to have a pet put to sleep. First time dealing with death.
  • First Sleepover

    Social Event-
    First time I treid to spend the night at a friends house. Like most children my mother had to come pick me up.
  • Learned To Play Chess

    Cognitive Event-
    My Grandpa taught me how to play chess. One of my all-time favorite board games.
  • Braces

    Social event-
    I got braces for 3 and a half years and this was the first time that I had to deal with being teased.
  • Algebra

    Cognitive Event-
    Noah Carter's grandma came into our elementary and taught some of us how to do basic algebra.
  • Family Vacation

    Social Event-
    This was the first time that my whole family had been on vacation. We went to stay in Denver because my brother had one a contest.
  • First Broken Bone

    Physical Event-
    This was the first time that I had been seriously injured playing a sport. First thing to keep me from playing for an extended time. I broke my left wrist.
  • First Date

    Social Event-
    The first time that I had ever gone on a date.
  • Learned How To Play Guitar

    Cognitive Event-
    Learned (Partially) how to play the guitar. First time I had ever taken lessons for something outside of school.
  • First Funeral

    Social Event-
    First time that I had to deal with the death of a family member. Especially difficult because I was four days older than her.
  • Learned To Drive

    Cognitive Event-
    First time I had ever driven a car and learned how to drive in drivers training.
  • First Extended Time Away From Home

    Social Event-
    This summer I went to Chicago for 10 days and this was the first time that I was away from home for more than a couple days.
  • Learned How To Tie A Suture

    Cognitive Event-
    I went to a medical conference at Northwestern and I learned how to tie sutures. Something that I expect to be used in the real world.