Accession of James I
Period: to
First Parliament
Gunpowder Plot
Oath of Allegiance
Second "Addled" Parliament
Outbreak of the Thirty Years' War
Third Parliament
Fourth Parliament
Death of James I
Charles I's First Parliament
Treaty of Southampton between England and the Dutch Republic
Cadis expedition
Death of James I and ascensions of Charles I
Marriage of Charles I to Henrietta Maria
Dismissal of Henrietta Maria's French courtiers
Charles I's Second Parliament
York House Conference
Parliament's protestation against Buckingham
First expedition to La Rochelle
Five Knight's Case
Period: to
Anglo-French War
Charles calls his Third Parliament
Parliament issues the Petition of Right
Laud and Montagu elevated to key bishoprics
Charles prorogues the Third Parliament
Assassination of Buckingham
Wentworth becomes Lord President of the Council of the North
First child (stillborn) of Charles and Henrietta Maria
Recall of Third Parliament
Three Resolutions
Dissolution of Third Parliament
Peace with France
Dissolution of Parliament
Bishops ordered back to the dioceses
Scottish Protestants ordered to kneel for communion annually
Peace with Spain
Book of Orders
New Book of Orders issued
William Laud because Archbishop of Canterbury
Re-issue of Jacobean Book of Sports
Abolition of Feoffees for Impropriations
Wentworth becomes Lord Deputy of Ireland
New Book of Rates issued in Ireland
All Scottish Bishops are made Justices of the Peace
Anglican Thirty-Nine Articles introduced into Ireland
Irish Parliament grants six subsidies
Ship Money levied across England
Revised Book of Rates
Archbishop Spottiswoode becomes Lord Chancellor of Scotland
Bishop William Juxon of London becomes Lord Treasurer of England
Hampden Case
Trial and punishment of Prynne, Bastwick and Burton
Book of Common Prayer introduced in Scotland
Formation of The Tables
Prayer Book riot in St Giles' Cathedral
General Assembly and Parliament suspended the Prayer Book, Canons and Episcopacy
Non-conformity is made treasonous
Scottish National Convenant
Wentworth recalled from Ireland
Wentworth recalled to England
Oath of Allegiance in York
Pacification of Berwick
Covenanters launch pre-emptive attack on England
Treaty of Ripon
Impeachment of Strafford
Petition of the Twelve Peers
Root and Branch Petition, impeachment of Laud
Period: to
English 'Short' Parliament
Opening of the Short Parliament
Dissolution of the Short Parliament
Opening of the Long Parliament
Act against Dissolution
Grand Remonstrance
Impeachment abandoned
Trial of Strafford opens
Death of Bedford
The 'Additional Instruction'
The Army Plot
Strafford executed under Act of Attainder
Charles travels to Scotland
The King's answer to the Petition
The 'Incident'
The Grand Remonstrance
Outbreak of Irish Rebellion
Charles returns from Scotland
The Militia Bill
Period: to
Parliamentary recess
Triennial Act
Charles orders army officers to return to their troops
News breaks of the Army Plot
Protestation Oath presented to Parliament
Act against Dissolution
Death of the Earl of Bedford
Exclusion Bill
Failed Arrest of the Five Members
Parliament raises an army
Charles raises standard at Nottingham
Militia Ordinance
The Nineteen Propositions
Charles raised his standard
Charles retreats to Oxford
FCW - King raises Standard at Nottingham
FCW - King makes headquarters at Shrewsbury
FCW - Battle of Turnham Green
FCW - King retreats to set up headquarters at Oxford
Battle of Edgehill
FCW - Battle of Edgehill
Standoff at Turnham Green
Period: to
Oxford Treaty negotiations
Period: to
Siege of Gloucester
Battle of Admalton
Battle of Roundway Hill
First Battle of Newbury