Lynching of Jesse Washington
The Lynching of Jesse Washington was a terrible event involving a young black man who was accused of murdered and rape of a woman then he was accused and sent to jail but then a mob of people came in and took him who they then beat, stab, mutilated, hanged and burned to death on the town square. -
Tulsa Massacre
From May 31 through June 1 many deputized whites killed more than 300 African Americans who were looted and burned to the ground with many of their buildings being destroyed and arrested. -
The Scottsboro Boys
The Scottsboro Boys were a group of boys about 9 of them that were looking for work so they got on a train but got into a fight with a white man who was kicked off the train then he made a propaganda story about them that they were at fault. Two women came up and said they were sexually assaulted so they were sent to jail without a trial unfortunately 8 of them were to be killed but the youngest one was only sent to prison for almost his entire life. -
De and Resegregation for Black Students
This is southern desegregation and resegregation for black students in schools. -
The events that were involved with black people and what they did.
Some events that happened of this event. -
Montgomery Bus Boycott
The boycott was a political and social protest campaign against the policy of racial segregation on the bus system. The reason why this is significant is because of Rosa Parks who sat on the front seat of a bus and the driver told her to get out but she refused then she got arrested and this inspires many others to stand their ground. -
Little Rock 9
The Little Rock 9 were 9 African American students who went to school at Little Rock Central High School in 1957 but they were yelled at when going over there then the governor brought in the national guard to keep them out but JFK stepped in and send in the army to bring them in safely and watch over them from being hurt. This is significant because the kids still marched to school and that other people like JFK helped them. -
The Freedom Fighters
The Freedom Fighters were a group of civil rights activists who rode busses into segregated southern United States which lasted from May 4, 1961-Dec 10, 1961. The people on the picture are freedom fighters and there were many people who helped it and Rosa Parks was sorta one of them with her stuff. This is significant because there many other whites trying to help others have civil rights and her choice inspired many others to stand up. -
Map of The Freedom Riders Bus Travel
This is a map of their travels. -
I Have a Dream Speech
The speech “I Have a Dream” was spoken by Martin Luther King Junior who said it at the Lincoln Memorial telling everybody that he had a dream that everyone would love each other like family and that no one would be judged by the color of their skin and live together. This is significant of his speech that everyone would come together and help each other through tough times and be there for a better America. -
JFK Assination
The 35th president was assassinated while riding in a presidential motorcade through Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963. This heavily impacted the nation of a great president who has done many things in the past for many lives and helped with black people. -
Selma March
The Selma Marches were a series of protests led by Martin Luther King Junior to demand voting rights for African Americans in Alabama. The protesters also faced brutal violence from law enforcement on Bloody Sunday when they were all attacked with tear gas and batons on the Edmund Pettus Bridge. The news of this violence shocked the nation who felt guilty of what were happening to those people and action was to be taken on the police who beat them up.