Edwardian Era

  • Queen Victoria's Death

    Queen Victoria's Death
    At the end of her life, Queen Victoria became really weak to points of where her eyesight went bad and was put in a wheel chair. She had the longest reign in British history.
  • Assassination of President Mckinley

    Assassination of President Mckinley
    William McKinley was shot by Leon Czolgosz, who was an anarchist. He died 8 days later, and was preceded by President Theodore Roselvelt.
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    The Creation of The Teddy Bear

    The teddy bear invention started in 1902 when president Theodore Roosevelt refused to shoot a bear.
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    The Wizard Of Oz

    The Wizard of Oz originally premiered in Chicago's opera house in 1902, from there making its first appearance in Broadway in 1903. t\That tour continues until 1909.
  • Teddy Bears for Sale

    Teddy Bears for Sale
    Rose and Morris Michtom owned a candy store in Brooklyn. They decided to name this stuffed animal after Theodore Roosevelt's kind act, putting it against a window for sale. Their son, Benjamin Michtom, thought the teddy bear would be a failed business attempt.
  • First Flight

    First Flight
    The Wright Brothers flied their first model airplane called the "kitty hawk flier". At first, the flight only lasted twelve seconds, however by the end of the day, it had been in the air for 59 seconds.
  • La figlia Di Lorio

    La figlia Di Lorio
    Gabriele D'Annunzio's play premiers in Milan, the story where a young boy rejects marrying a wealthy woman when he falls in love with a mountain girl who is accused of being a witch.
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    The Worst Olympic Marathon

    While most of the Olympics held in St. louis Missouri were considered messy and unprofessional, the marathon part was considered the worst. Most runners weren't professional athletes and several almost died from dehydration. One runner was given rat poison and the original winner was accused of cheating.
  • Wolves Become Extinct

    Wolves Become Extinct
    The Beginning of 1905 was when wolves became extinct in Japan. Wolves were hunted mostly because of a rabies epidemic at the time that was spreading from dogs to wolves, causing wolves to become very aggressive towards humans.
  • World Heavyweight Wrestling

    World Heavyweight Wrestling
    The first winner was Georg Hackenschimdt who defeated Tom Jenkins.
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    First Animated Films

    Two films included humorous phases of funny phases by Jay Stewart Blackton, and another famous one called "Fantasmagorie".
  • San Francisco Earthquake

    San Francisco Earthquake
    The San Francisco earthquake is considered one of the deadliest earthquakes in U.S history. Over 3,000 people died and caused most of the city to be destroyed.
  • Swimming Without A Skirt

    Swimming Without A Skirt
    Annette Kellerman was swimming at Boston's Revere beach in a one piece, she was arrested and charged that day for not wearing a skirt. Fun fact, infants or babies at the time also had to be completely covered in such occasions.
  • Time Square Ball Drop

    Time Square Ball Drop
    On December 31st, it's the first time we see the New Year's ball drop. The ball weighed 700 pounds, this event has been a tradition every year except for 1942 and 1943.
  • Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

    Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
    The first movie adaption of the novel, "Strange Case Of Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" premiered.
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    Wright Model A

    In 1908, the Wright Brothers demonstrate their model airplane in Europe and the U.S. They preformed for a crowd of up to 10,000 people.
  • The Ford Model T

    The Ford Model T
    1909 was when the Ford Model T was invented. This vehicle changed the automobile industry, making it very affordable for Americans, better transmissions and was eventually named the 'car of the century'.
  • Cure For Syphilis

    Cure For Syphilis
    In 1909, A German scientist named, "Paul Ehrlich" found a treatment called salvarsan, being tasted on rabbits and found the disease would be gone for three weeks.
  • Halley's Comet

    Halley's Comet
    When Halley's comet returns to earth after 75 years, it causes a lot of hysteria. People think it means the end of the world, some people bought comet protecting umbrellas and pills. It was even called, "Evil Eye of The Sky".
  • Ceremonial Pitch

    Ceremonial Pitch
    Current president William Taft throws the 1st ball at the beginning of baseball season. From then on, a tradition of the ceremonial pitch occurs every year.
  • King George V

    King George V
    King George V is proclaimed the king after his father, King Edward VII dies. Even though king Edward dies in 1910, the Edwardian era wasn't considered over until 1914, at the start of the first world war.