Ground Zero Timeline Historical Fiction Book Project

  • War in Afghanistan

    The attacks brew a war between Afghanistan and America that last for years. These attacks not only affected the U.S. but the rest of the world as well. The actions of these attacks led to twenty years of violence and many lives being lost showing that actions have outcomes and that you should think through what your actions would cause.
  • The Reason Brandon was there During the Attacks

    Brandon Chavez, a 9-year-old boy was suspended from school for getting in a fight. Facing the consequences, he is forced to go to work with his father the next day as a punishment. His father said he had to stay with him in the restaurant he worked at all day and that he couldn't leave his sight so that he'd learn his lesson. Brandon traveled downtown with his father and went with him up to the 107th, where he worked in a restaurant when they arrived.
  • Brandon With his Father at Work

    While walking through the underground mall below the towers upon their entrance, he saw the Wolverine claws his friend Cedric wanted and Brandon owed it to him. When a grease fire in the kitchen and broken plates and glasses clattered everywhere, he knew it was his time to slip out from his father's sight while he was busy and go get the gift. He hopped on the soonest elevator and slipped out of the restaurant but as he traveled downwards, he heard a loud crash.
  • The Search for His Dad

    Now that he knows what is happening, he knows that he has to find a way to reunite with his father. Them being separated makes the escape process way harder for the both but Brandon can't just leave his father to die. He searches for ways to get back up, but the plane crash occurred above him meaning that the elevator and stairways are blocked off and he can bypass them. While he wonders if his dad is alright, he knows that he needs to think fast in order to save himself, as well as his father.
  • Saving Himself

    Eventually, Brandon realizes that his father would want him to continue on without him and he starts to just focus on saving himself. The building is burning a filled with smoke, so he knows he needs to get out before it collapses. Battling his way through obstacles and gathering some help from a few other people, Brandon eventually makes it down and out of the building where he anxiously searches for his father. He makes his way away from the unsteady building and is taken to a nearby hospital.
  • The Terrorist Attacks of 9/11

    He realizes that something is going on above him and that his dad may be in danger, but sneaking out to go to the underground mall may have saved him. He is trapped in the elevator, plotting an escape with the surrounding people helping. Once he got out, he saw a plane crash into the other tower right next to them. He knew what was happening now and that he had to save his dad and as many other people as possible before it was too late.
  • Reunited at Last

    After being taken to the closest hospital by some first responders, he is reunited with his dad. Although neither of them are in the greatest conditions, they are just thankful for their lives. They are treated for their wounds and head home with new perspectives on life. They are grateful that they escaped the devastating diaster and are happy they both survived this terrible day.
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    Ground Zero Timeline

  • Living Through the War

    Reshmina and her entire family have to work to survive every day and also have to stay safe and out of the conflict. As constant battles occur in their village they have to be smart and able to think fast to keep alive. Her brother is involved in the war to provide for the family and keep them out of danger. Every day in the village is not just war in the fighting way but a war in their minds to thrive and survive.
  • Reshmina and Her Life Disrupted by War

    Reshmina, an 11-year-old girl living in Afghanistan, had to live through the terrors and violence of the war being fought in her home land. Her life was completely altered by the war, forcing her to live her life in a different way than a normal child would.
  • The Village Under Severe Attack

    One day, the village is forced to take shelter in a cave while mass amounts of bombs are being dropped all around them. They are forced to stay quiet in the dark cave so that they aren't spotted by the enemy and killed. Although they did their best to not be caught, they were found by American troops. Luckily, the soldier Reshmina had helped before was a member of this troop and recognized her. He ordered his fellow soldiers to leave the afraid people alone to repay her for her good deed.
  • The Aftermath

    Although the village was destroyed and in shambles, most civilians escaped unharmed and the war ended soon after.
  • Helping the Soldier

    One day, while Reshmina is out with her brother looking for materials, he gets in a shootout. Reshmina heads back to their house but stumbles across and wounded American soldier. She decided to help him although it is against her family and country's morals to help the enemy. He was struggling and she was kind enough to save him while her country and his were the ones fighting each other. He goes off on his own way but they later cross paths again.
  • The Wrap Around Ending

    It turns out that the American soldier that Reshmina helped out was Brandon as an adult fighting for his country after what he lived through when he was a child. Although he helped out many people during the tragic attacks, he ended up saving Reshmina in her people as well because he didn't want them to witness the violence he did on the horrible day of September 11, 2001.
  • The End of the War in Afghanistan

    Years of violence continued on until both sides were done with all of this destruction and devastating effects that occurred. One action with a chain link of them following caused one of the longest wars in recent history and caused many people to lose their lives. The theme is, to think before you do something cause it may have a stronger outcome than expected and that the effects of violence and terrorism are global.