• Period: to

    Civil right orders

    Multiple rights added to the constitution to protect minority’s
  • Plessy V Ferguson

    Plessy V Ferguson
    A court case that created the doctoren of separate but equal legalizing Jim’s crow laws.
  • Brown V Board of Education

    Brown V Board of Education
    A court case of Brown V board of Edu made it illegal to seggorate schools
  • Education levels by race

    Education levels by race
  • States with seggorated education laws

    States with seggorated education laws
    South west has seggoration laws
  • Little Rock 9

    Little Rock 9
    The first black children to got to a white school state tried to stop it government sent the 117 air born rangers
  • Freedom bus riders

    Freedom bus riders
    Blacks who rode into Deep South as a form of protest and got there bus torched
  • Freedom bus riders route

    Freedom bus riders route
  • Government Bussing Act

    Government Bussing Act
    Bussed 1/2 white kids and 1/2 black kids to opposite schools
  • Black realistate

    Black realistate
  • Period: to

    Police and goverment viliont against protesters

    Police viliontly attacked peaceful protestors
  • outlawed legal discrimination

    outlawed legal discrimination
    Made it illegal for any type of legal segoration
  • Love V virginia

    Love V virginia
    Legalized biracial marriage
  • Voting right act

    Voting right act
    Made it illegal for the literacy tests to vote
  • James Meredith

    James Meredith
    First black student to go to the university of Mississippi.
  • Affirmative Action

    Affirmative Action
    Helped equal out the pay gap
  • wealth gap by racial group

    wealth gap by racial group
  • Black/hispanic wealth group

    Black/hispanic wealth group
  • Montgomery Bus Boycott

    Montgomery Bus Boycott
    The Montgomery bus Boycott was an even brought together by MLK to stop using the bus because the majority of the bus riders were black so they lost most of their profit. There goal was to desegorate the busses and it worked.
  • First black president

    First black president
    Brock Obama became president
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    250000 people gatherers for a march 40% white and then listened to MLK’s speech