Brown vs board of edication
A racial case on segregation of public schools that over turned plessy v Ferguson case -
Montgomery bus boycott
It was a peaceful protest were African Americans did not ride busses for about a year almost causing the busses to go bankrupt and causing them to desegregated -
Rosa parks says no!
a african American women decided that one day she was not going to stand for the busses racism -
little rock nine
this event was caused by 9 African American students wanting to attend the all white high school in little rock and the mayor ordered national guard around the school to stop them then the president brought in the 101 airborne to guard them as they went to school there -
Greensboro sit-ins
4 black collage students staged a sit in at a segregated Woodsworth lunch counter in Greensboro north Carolina and there peaceful protest made many others wanna stand up and many of these accrued all around the country -
"i have a dream speech" MLK
this was the day that martin Luther king jr went up on stage Infront of thousands of people and said his speech about his dream where there was no racism and African Americans were treated equally -
civil rights act of 1964
this was an event that changed history the president signed a law that outlawed discrimination in employment, public places, and educational facility's -
Selma to Montgomery march
this was a series of march's/ protests pushing for African American voting rights -
fair housing act
this was an act put into place to stop discrimination in housing based on race, color ,sex , national origin, disability, family status. -
MLK assonated
this was a day no one but MLK was expecting were the biggest leader of civil rights movements was killed by assignation