Module 1--History of Education Timeline

  • 1987- Birth Year (IBM PS/2 released, setting stage for personal computers)

    1987- Birth Year (IBM PS/2 released, setting stage for personal computers)
    Sets standards for personal computers
    The PS/2 | IBM. (n.d.).
  • World Wide Web is Born

    World Wide Web is Born
    Tim Berners-Lee introduces the first website. Giving way to the most powerful researching tool.
  • Mac and PC Labs in schools.

    Gave students the hands-on experience with computers and allowed for more diverse teaching/learning
  • Internet Explorer 1.0 launches

    Internet Explorer 1.0 launches
    Paved the way for easy and reliable internet browsing.
    Internet Explorer 1. (2024). WinWorld.
  • Google Begins

    Google Begins
    Google launches and soon revolutionizes internet searches.
    Google. (2004, August 19). How we started and where we are today - Google.
  • First iPod Released

    First iPod Released
    Modernizing how music is listened and purchased.
  • Xbox Live Launched

    Xbox Live Launched
    A year after the launch of the Xbox, they released an online playing platform that allowed subscribers to connect with players throughout the world.
  • Motorola Razr Flip Phone Released

    Motorola Razr Flip Phone Released
    Motorola releases colored screen cell phone. Making a strong fashion statement.
    A Visual History of the Motorola Razr. (n.d.). PCMAG.
  • Facebook begins, bringing way to the Social Media Era

    Facebook begins, bringing way to the Social Media Era
    Started to connect Harvard students but quickly expanded to multiple campuses across the nation. Editors. (2019, October 24). Facebook launches. History; AE Television Networks.
  • Twitter is launched

    Twitter is launched
    Expanding on the social media era, Twitter is launched to create an additional way to communicate throughout the world.
  • iPhone Launches

    iPhone Launches
    Apple introduces the Apple iPhone, bringing way to the Smartphone Era.
  • Ipad Released

    Ipad Released
    Changes the way people interact with touchscreen devices
  • Netflix Goes Digital

    Netflix Goes Digital
    Netflix begins to shift from DVD's to a digital platform. Allowing for subscribers to view direct from device.
  • Remote Work Boom

    Remote Work Boom
    Zoom, Microsoft Teams and remote learning/work takes off due to Covid-19.
  • ChatGPT Launches

    ChatGPT Launches
    ChapGPT releases, launching the modern day AI-powered chatbots. Leading to mass transformations throughout the world.
  • AI integrated in all modern technology

    AI integrated in all modern technology
    I believe that all modern technology will come standard with AI. This includes cooking appliances and food storage as well. Tv's will no longer require a remote as everything can be controlled through voice interaction.