Period: 3300 BCE to 460
The Antiquity
Antiquity refers to the period of ancient history before the Middle Ages, lasting from around 3000 BCE to 500 CE. It includes the rise of civilizations like Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome. These societies made important contributions in areas like writing, art, politics, and philosophy. Antiquity ended with the fall of the Western Roman Empire. -
Epitafio de Seikilios
The epitafio de seikilos is the oldest complete musical composition currently preserved. It was constructed by a certain Sicylus for his wife Euterpe, near the Trales, present-day city of Aydin. Also the epitafio de seikilos tells us these wise words: As long as you live, shine, do not suffer for anything at all. -
Period: 460 to 460
The end of the Antiquity
The end of Antiquity happened around 460 CE, when the Western Roman Empire fell. This marked the start of the Middle Ages in Europe. -
Period: 476 to 1492
The Middle Age
The Middle Ages, or medieval period, lasted roughly from the 5th to the late 15th century in Europe. It began after the fall of the Roman Empire and ended with the Renaissance. This time is divided into three parts: Early, High, and Late Middle Ages. It was marked by feudalism, the power of the Church, knights, and castles. Over time, cities grew, trade increased, and cultural and scientific progress set the stage for the modern era. -
The Gregorian Chant
The Gregorian was the liturgical chant of the church of Rome, influenced by the Gallican in the second half of the 8th century, whose extension to the entire West took place at the same time as that of the Latin rite itself, of which it was the acoustic expression. The name Gregorian chant comes from the fact that its compilation is attributed to Pope Gregory the Great, and it is an evolution of Roman chant compared to Gallican chant. -
Guido d’Arezzo
Was an Italian monk and music theorist who revoluced music notation. He developed the four-linestaff, making a clearer partiture. -
Bernart de Ventadorn
Bernart de Ventadorn (c. 1135-1194) fue un destacado trovador occitano, maestro del amor cortés. De origen humilde, su talento lo llevó a las cortes nobles, donde compuso refinadas canciones como Can vei la lauzeta mover. Su poesía, marcada por la sensibilidad y el idealismo amoroso, influyó en la lírica medieval europea. Pasó sus últimos años en un monasterio, dejando un legado perdurable en la tradición trovadoresca. -
Hildegard von Bingen
Was a German Benedictine abbess, mystic, writer and compositer. She was known for her divine visions, she documented them in works like Scivias. -
Was a composer of the Notre Dame school of poliphony in paris around the late 12th and early 13th centuries. He expanded poliphony by creating complex compotitions with up to four voices.
Most famout works: Viderum Ommes and Sederunt Principes. -
Is a French composer from Paris. He was alive during the 12th centuary and he was one of the earliest known creators of polyphonic music. He was associated with the Notre Dame School and he developed two-part organum. -
Alfonso X el Sabio
Alfonso X el Sabio (1221-1284), fue rey de Castilla y León que destacó por su labor cultural. Impulsó la traducción de textos clásicos y creó las Cantigas de Santa María y las Siete Partidas, también promovió avances en astronomía, historia y derecho. Su reinado tuvo conflictos pero dejó un legado cultural clave en la península ibérica. -
The Ars Antiqua
During The Ars Antiqua the first polyphonic form was developed: the organum. And it´s main composers were Leonin and Perotin from the Notre Dame school in france wich was the most famous school in the Ars Antiqua. -
Guillaume de Machaut
Guillaume de Machaut (c. 1300-1377) fue un poeta y compositor francés y figura clave del Ars Nova. Sirvió en cortes nobles y destacó por su poesía lírica y sus innovadoras composiciones musicales, como la Misa de Notre Dame. Su obra influyó en la música y literatura medieval. -
The Ars Nova
During the Ars Nova the society begins a a slow process of secularitation. There is a rise in the middleclasses and a weaking of the prestige of the Church; and this factcauses secular music to begin to acquire greater importance compared to religious music. The most widely used form in the Ars Nova is the motet, but also they used the forms canon, ballad and chanson. -
Francesco Landini
Francesco Landini (c. 1325-1397) fue un compositor, organista y poeta italiano y destacado representante del Ars Nova. Fue ciego desde niño, creó numerosas obras polifónicas, especialmente madrigales, y fue clave en el desarrollo de la música italiana del siglo XIV. -
Period: 1350 to
The Renaissance
The Renaissance was a cultural movement in Europe from the 14th to the 17th century. It focused on rediscovering ancient Greek and Roman ideas, emphasizing art, science, and humanism. Key figures include Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Galileo. -
Johannes Gutenberg
Johannes Gutenberg (h. 1398-1468) fue un inventor alemán que creó la imprenta de tipos móviles hacia el 1440. Su obra más famosa es la Biblia de Gutenberg (1455). Y su invento revolucionó la difusión del conocimiento y marcó el inicio de la era moderna. -
Juan del Encina
Juan del Encina (1468-1529) was a Spanish poet, playwright, and composer of the Renaissance. He is known as one of the founders of Spanish theatre. He is known for his villancicos and eclogues, blending music and literature in his work. -
Martín Lutero
Martín Lutero (1483-1546) fue un teólogo alemán, líder de la Reforma Protestante. Cuestionó a la Iglesia Católica con 95 tesis, promoviendo la salvación por la fe y traduciendo la Biblia al alemán. Su obra transformó el cristianismo en Europa. -
Period: 1490 to 1492
The end of The Middle Age
Cristóbal de Morales
Cristóbal de Morales (1500-1553) fue un compositor español del Renacimiento, destacado por su música sacra y su influencia en la polifonía europea. Trabajó en la Capilla Sixtina y es considerado uno de los grandes maestros de su época. -
Antonio de Cabezón
Antonio de Cabezón (1510-1566) fue un compositor y organista español del Renacimiento, célebre por su música para tecla. Sirvió en la corte de Carlos I y Felipe II, dejando un legado destacado en la música instrumental europea. -
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina (1525-1594) fue un compositor italiano del Renacimiento, maestro del estilo polifónico. Su música, considerada modelo de la Contrarreforma, tuvo gran influencia en la música sacra occidental. -
Orlando di Lasso
Orlando di Lasso (1532-1594) fue un compositor franco-flamenco del Renacimiento, famoso por su versatilidad y obras polifónicas. Trabajó en la corte bávara y es considerado uno de los grandes maestros de su época. -
Andrea Gabrieli
Andrea Gabrieli (1532-1585) fue un compositor y organista italiano del Renacimiento, destacado por su música sacra y su trabajo en la Basílica de San Marcos en Venecia. También fue clave en el desarrollo del estilo veneciano policoral. -
Maddalena Casulana
Maddalena Casulana (1544-1590) was an Italian composer and singer, notable for being one of the first women to have her music published. She composed madrigals and sacred music during the Renaissance. -
Tomás Luis de Victoria
Tomás Luis de Victoria (1548-1611) fue un compositor y sacerdote español del Renacimiento, maestro de la música sacra. Su obra destaca por su profunda espiritualidad y estilo polifónico refinado. -
Giovanni Gabrieli
Giovanni Gabrieli (1557-1612) was an Italian composer and organist of the late Renaissance and early Baroque. He was nephew of Andrea Gabrieli and he worked at St. Mark’s Basilica in Venice and is renowned for his polychoral works and innovations in instrumental music. -
Carlo Gesualdo
Carlo Gesualdo (1566-1613) fue un compositor y príncipe italiano del Renacimiento tardío, conocido por sus madrigales llenos de audaces disonancias. Su vida estuvo marcada por su música innovadora y un crimen pasional. -
Claudio Monteverdi
Claudio Monteverdi (1567–1643) was an Italian composer of the late Renaissance and early Baroque periods. He wrote madrigals, operas, and sacred music, including L’Orfeo, one of the first great operas. His work helped change music from Renaissance to Baroque styles. -
Period: to
The Barroque
The Baroque was an art style in Europe from the late 1500s to the early 1700s. It focused on emotion, drama, and detailed decoration. It appeared in painting, music, architecture, and sculpture. Important artists include Caravaggio, Bernini, and Bach. -
Giacomo Carissimi
Giacomo Carissimi (1605–1674) was an Italian Baroque composer and priest. He is best known for developing the oratorio and composing expressive vocal music. His works influenced many later composers and shaped the Baroque style. -
Barbara Strozzi
Barbara Strozzi (1619–1677) was an Italian composer and singer of the Baroque era. Known for her vocal works, she published eight collections of music, focusing on secular cantatas and arias. Despite challenges as a woman in music, her compositions gained recognition for their emotional depth and originality. -
Antonio Stradivari
Antonio Stradivari (1644–1737), known as Stradivarius, was an Italian luthier famous for crafting exceptional violins, violas, and cellos. His instruments are renowned for their unmatched quality and sound, remaining highly prized today. -
Henry Purcell
Henry Purcell (1659–1695) was an English composer of the Baroque period. He wrote music for the church, stage, and court, including the famous opera Dido and Aeneas. His work is admired for its beauty and influence on English music. -
Antonio Vivaldi
Antonio Vivaldi (1678–1741) was an Italian composer and violinist from Venice. He became a priest and taught music at an orphanage, where he wrote many of his works. His most famous piece is The Four Seasons. Though popular during his life, he died forgotten, and his music was rediscovered in the 20th century. -
George Philipp Telemann
Georg Philipp Telemann (1681–1767) was a German composer and multi-instrumentalist of the Baroque era. Prolific and versatile, he wrote in various styles, creating over 3,000 works, including orchestral suites, chamber music, and operas. He was one of the most celebrated composers of his time. -
Johann Sebastian Bach
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750) was a German composer and musician of the Baroque era, renowned for his mastery of counterpoint, harmony, and musical structure. He served as a church organist, court musician, and composer in various positions, producing influential works such as the Brandenburg Concertos, Mass in B Minor, and The Well-Tempered Clavier. -
Georg Friedrich Händel
Georg Friedrich Händel (1685–1759) was a German-born composer who spent much of his career in England. He is famous for his operas, oratorios, and instrumental works, including Messiah and Water Music. Händel’s music was popular in his time and remains well-loved today for its beauty and grandeur. -
J. Haydn
Joseph Haydn was a famous Austrian composer from the Classical period. He is known as the "Father of the Symphony" and the "Father of the String Quartet" because he made these music forms very popular. Haydn wrote over 100 symphonies and many quartets, and his music is cheerful and full of surprises. He worked for a noble family for most of his life, and his music had a big influence on other composers, including Mozart and Beethoven. -
Nannerl Mozart
Nannerl Mozart, whose full name was Maria Anna Mozart, was the older sister of the famous composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. She was a talented musician and pianist, and as a child, she performed in concerts with her brother. -
Maria Theresia Von Paradis
Maria Theresia von Paradis was an Austrian pianist, composer, and singer. She became blind at a young age but didn’t let that stop her from pursuing a career in music. Maria Theresia composed many works, including piano pieces, songs, and orchestral music. She was also famous for her performances and was highly respected by her peers. Despite her blindness, she was one of the leading musicians of her time and worked with famous composers like Salieri and Mozart. -
Ludwig van Beethoven was a famous German composer and pianist, known for his powerful and emotional music. He is one of the most important figures in classical music. Beethoven composed nine symphonies, many piano sonatas, and string quartets. Even after he began losing his hearing, he continued to compose some of his best works. His music changed the way people thought about music, and he influenced many other composers. -
Christophe Willibald Gluck
Christoph Willibald Gluck (1714-1787) was a German composer famous for his operas. He is best known for reforming opera by making the music more connected to the drama. Before him, opera had many complicated and flashy solos, but Gluck wanted the music to serve the story and the emotions of the characters. His operas, like Orfeo ed Euridice and Alceste, focused on simplicity and clarity. Gluck's work had a big influence on future composers and helped shape the development of classical music -
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) was an Austrian composer who created many famous pieces, like operas, symphonies, and concertos. His music is known for its beauty, complexity, and emotional depth. Mozart wrote over 600 works, including The Magic Flute and Don Giovanni, and is considered one of the greatest composers in history. -
Franz Schubert was an Austrian composer known for his beautiful melodies and emotional depth. He wrote over 600 songs, as well as symphonies, chamber music, and piano pieces. Schubert's music often expresses feelings of longing, sadness, and joy. He composed many of his most famous works while still very young, but sadly, he died at the age of 31. Even though his life was short, Schubert's music had a huge influence on later composers and is still loved by audiences today. -
Robert Schumann was a German composer and pianist, known for his deep emotional music and creativity. He wrote many symphonies, piano pieces, and songs, and is famous for his beautiful melodies and rich harmonies. Schumann also wrote music that reflected his personal struggles, especially with his mental health. He had a strong influence on the Romantic period of music. Schumann was married to Clara Schumann, one of the greatest pianists of his time. -
Johannes Brahms was a German composer and pianist, known for his rich, complex music that blends classical traditions with romantic emotion. He wrote symphonies, concertos, chamber music, and many piano pieces. Brahms was admired for his skill in creating deep, powerful music with beautiful melodies. -
Hugo Wolf
Hugo Wolf was an Austrian composer, best known for his beautiful and expressive art songs (Lieder). He wrote over 250 songs, many of which were set to poems by famous poets. Wolf's music is known for its deep emotional intensity and detailed connection between the lyrics and music. He was part of the late Romantic period, and though he faced personal struggles, his work is still celebrated for its originality and the way it explores human emotions. -
Gustav Mahler
Gustav Mahler (1860–1911) was an Austrian composer and conductor known for his emotional and powerful symphonies. He worked in Vienna and created music about life, death, and nature. Though not very famous during his life, he's now considered one of the greatest composers. His symphonies are huge, deep, and full of feeling. -
The Titanic sink
The Titanic sank on April 15, 1912, during his trip to New York. -
Stephen Curry
Stephen Curry is a basketball player, that plays in the NBA Warriors club